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"Why, that fellow has fired out to sea," exclaimed one of the general's staff. "No, it was a blank cartridge. He fired to attract attention. See! there goes a white flag up to his mast-head!" said the officer at the telescope: "A boat with a flag-of-truce is putting off, general."

I'll take the man with the light," commanded Shorty. The three rifles cracked in quick succession and the three men dropped. "Bully, boys," ejaculated Shorty, as he reloaded. "You'll do. The 200th Injianny's proud o' you." "I hit my man in the leg," said Harry, flushing with delight, as he bit off another cartridge. "Jerusalem, I wish they'd send another one down."

"Throw down your sword, or I will certainly kill you!" I commanded him, again. "Kill," he replied, laconically. There was no other way, and I pulled the trigger. There was no report. Durnief did not fall, as the horses, and his yemschik had done. He stood unharmed, for the cartridge was bad, or the chamber of my revolver was unloaded.

There were too many Bramins in the ranks, and they were fanatics; and biting off the cartridge brought their lips in contact with the grease, which was religious pollution to them. A score of provocatives might be mentioned, but all of them would not explain it. The natives had been transformed into trained soldiers, and they felt the power that was in them.

Bennett had finished leaping into the air. She inserted a fresh cartridge, and sloped arms. "Now, the question is...." "You made me bite my tongue!" said Mr. Bennett, deeply aggrieved. "Serves you right!" said Jane placidly. "Now, the question is, have the fellows got away or are they hiding somewhere in the house? I think they're still in the house." "The police!" exclaimed Mr.

Scouts Chapman and Dixon wore buckskin trousers edged with long fringes, Indian style. Their blue flannel shirts had rolling sailor collars. Upon their heads were white wool hats. Upon their feet were moccasins. Those were the army and scout uniforms in 1874. They were armed with the stubby Springfield carbines, caliber forty-five, and Colt's six-shooter revolvers taking the same cartridge.

"Fire quick." I threw the cartridge from the magazine into the barrel, and raised the gun to my shoulder just as the huge saurian struck the water. My bullet caught him underneath, near the back legs. My companion's must have had more effect, for the crocodile stopped as though stunned. I had time to drop my gun and snatch up my revolver. It was an easy shot.

The Red Fox, too, was looking for that cartridge shell, for only the night before had he heard for the first time of the whispered suspicions against him. He was making for the blind and Hale trembled at his luck. There was no path on the other side of the stream, and Hale could barely hear him moving through the bushes.

In the stream of fiery color, water fowl bobbed about grotesquely. Close at hand was a grove of pines, a few trees extending down to the shore, though for the most part the land immediately about the lake was an open, grassy meadow. She heard a slight rustling in among the pines as she passed them. She had not strapped on her cartridge belt and six-shooter when leaving camp.

Then he picked up the officer's revolver, took the cartridge belonging to it from the pouch and, with a wave of the hand to Ralph, strode back into the wood. Ralph removed the holsters from the saddle of his own horse which had fallen dead placed them on the horse of the German officer and then, mounting it, rode off at full speed, to inform General Cambriels of the results of his investigation.