Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Both Vienna and Germany had been called upon to furnish dainty viands suitable to my palate. I changed cars and shirts once only on the journey. A stranger wanted me to also change a two-dollar bill, but I haughtily declined. The scenery along the entire road to Washington is diversified.

"You might smarten yourself with that change, Elmore," she addressed him, ignoring his companion. "There's folks coming back for it. Two-dollar bill, wa'n't it? Fifty cents seventy-five dollar'n a half. That's a Yankee dime, an' you kin march straight back with it. They don't pass but for nine cents, as you're old enough to know.

"Oh, here we have it," thought Coleman, with a smile. "Cunning boy; he thought nobody would think of looking in his vest pocket. Well, let us see how much he has got." He opened the pocketbook, and frowned with disappointment when he discovered only a two-dollar bill. "What does it mean? Surely he hasn't come to Chicago with only this paltry sum!" exclaimed Coleman.

The proprietor was very busy and occupied and important and interested in selling a two-dollar bill of goods to a chance prospector, which was well, for this was the storekeeper's whole life, and he had in defence of his soul to make his occupations filling. Bob bought a cigar and went out. Next he looked in at one of the saloons.

Father said I'd break him if I didn't stop making blunders in giving change he wasn't in the prize-candy business, and couldn't afford to have me give twenty-five sheets of note paper, a box of pens, six corset laces, a bunch of whalebones, and two dollars and fifty cents change for a two-dollar bill.

Every little village or hamlet one passes through, south of Agra, seems laudably determined to own a god of some sort; those whose finances fail to justify them in sporting a nice, red-painted god with gilt trimmings, sometimes console themselves with a humble little two-dollar soapstone deity that looks as if he has been rudely chipped into shape by some unskilful prentice hand.

Then he paid two to three dollars for a pair of shoes, now ten or twelve, and they wear out as fast as the two-dollar shoes of seven years before. Now fifty dollars for a suit no better than the one he used to get for fifteen dollars. Thus spoke Victor. Besides, Victor could save nothing now, for he had a girl, and you know how it is with women. It's got to be a present all the time.

The bored Sam made no response other than to rise languidly to his feet, stretch, and start for home. Left alone, Penrod's practice became less ardent; he needed the stimulus of an auditor. With the horn upon his lap he began to rub the greenish brass surface with a rag. He meant to make this good ole two-dollar horn of his LOOK like sumpthing!

She was free free! It might be for but a moment; still it was freedom, infinitely sweet because of past slavery and because of the fear of slavery closing in again. She had abandoned the old toilet articles. She had only the clothes she was wearing, the thirty-one dollars divided between her stockings, and the two-dollar bill stuffed into the palm of her left glove.

There was a ticket in it which called for twenty-two dollars in case Elisha won a two-dollar bet at 10 to 1. It was put there by Old Man Curry just before the bugle blew. "Bring him home in front, Mose," said the old man. "Sutny will!" grinned the negro. "You betting much on him, boss?" "I visited a while with the children of Israel," said Curry gravely.