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A new "strike" will draw men from every mining camp in Alaska. A big strike will shift the centre of gravity of the whole white population in a few months. Indeed, a certain restless belief in the superior opportunities of some other spot is one of the characteristics of the prospector.

There's room for only one controlling influence in the Clermont Mine." Carroll smoked in silence for a while. His comrade had successfully carried out most of the small projects he had undertaken in the bush, and though fortune had, perhaps, favored him, he had every reason to be satisfied with the result of his efforts as a prospector.

Only here again that old familiar magic of unfamiliar names threw its glamour over the terse sentences. "Over beyond the Piute Monument," the old prospector explained, "down through the Inyo Range, a leetle north of Death Valley " "Back in seventy-eight when I was up in Bay Horse Cañon over by Lost River " "Was you ever over in th' Panamit Mountains? North of th' Telescope Range?

This man was a prospector, like all the rest, and in an absent-minded way he had tearfully been sifting the soil through his fingers. Suddenly he arose and began to stake out a claim adjoining the grave. This was, of course, observed by the clergyman, who hastened the ceremonials to a conclusion, and ended his prayer thus: "Stake me off a claim, Bill. We ask it for Christ's sake. Amen."

He likewise instigates us to corral this here horned toad, Banker, who's a prospector, because he says you'll want to see him about some mine or other, and, Banker, he don't know nothing about nothing but lookin' for mines: which he ain't never found a whole lot, I reckon, none whatever."

In the second place, if the prospector had wished to conceal anything, it should have been the fact of his going to the Basin at all, not his whereabouts after arriving there. In other words, if desiring to keep his presence secret, he would have blinded the beginning of the trail rather than its end. He kept a sharp lookout.

"I heard noises, and then when I opened the door and saw you standing there ." The first alarm was yielding to curiosity. She glanced at the scarred and stained hand which grasped the brass railing, and from there to the pleasant, eager, sunburnt face under the upturned brim of the battered sombrero. "No, I see you're not that," she went on reflectively. "Are you a miner?" "No, only a prospector.

"It's not more than half or three-quarters of a mile from here, but you'd better go back up the hill." As if this last suggestion was the breaking straw, the big prospector jumped forward, and caught the man's wrist with dexterous, sinewy fingers. He gave the arm a jerk that almost took the man from his feet. His eyes were hard and sharp now, and his jaw seemed to have shut tightly.

He, too, went to work, and, being an excellent prospector, he was of great service in teaching the newcomers the principles of prospecting and mining for gold principles not abstruse, yet not likely to suggest themselves at first thought to men entirely ignorant of the business.

They at once rushed to Colonel Howell's room, eager to make their way back to the depot, but recalling the operator's promise, the prospector persuaded them to go to bed again and when it was daylight they all awoke to find no train in sight. But the operator was waiting for them and ate breakfast with the party.