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"No, no! You can hear the spelldiffers." Glass motioned to Willie. "Put your ear to his chest. Hear anything?" "Hearts poundin' like a calf's at a brandin'." "Which proves it!" proudly asserted the trainer. "Barrin' accidents, Mr. Speed will be in the pink of condition by Saturday." The cow-men beamed benignantly. "That's fine!" "We are sure pleased, and we've got something for you, Mr. Speed.

"She can bite, can't she? I hope she doesn't take a notion to do that to my leg." "She's as gentle as a baby," declared Mr. Blossom. "Look!" He called the seal to him, and put his hand in her mouth. She nuzzled him as a pet horse might do, but made not the slightest effort to bite. "I think you would be safe," said the trainer to Joe.

The voice of the elephant trainer uttered a series of shrill commands that sounded like so many explosions. The elephants understood. They swung quickly out of line and went lumbering down the street. "Hey, there, that you, Phil?" It was Teddy on old Emperor's back in the same frog costume that he had worn for that purpose the first season with the show.

When the great guard of the Princeton team to whom I refer tried to stop Weekes, his head collided with Weekes' feet and was badly cut. The trainer rushed upon the field, sponged and dressed the wound and the guard continued to play. But that night it was discovered that blood poisoning had set in. There was gloom on the team when this became known.

He watched the man approach Big Bob. The bear snarled, made a stand, and showed his teeth. One punch of the needle-pointed device across his nostrils sent him bellowing. A second on one ear brought him to the floor. The trainer pounced on him and adjusted the muzzle over his head. Then he deftly whipped some hobbles on his front paws. He yelled to his assistants.

When old enough to be weaned, the two brothers and the sister, sturdy and sleek as any wolf cubs of the hills, were sold to a dealer in wild animals, who carried them off to Hamburg. But "Lone Wolf," as Toomey, the trainer, had already named him, stayed with the circus.

"Come here, Murray," said the doctor. "There's some use in looking these boys over, particularly this husky youngster." A tall man in a white sweater towered over Ken. It was the famous trainer. He ran his hands over Ken's smooth skin and felt of the muscles. "Can you run?" he asked. "Yes," replied Ken. "Are you fast?" "Yes."

Jack asked to be allowed to visit the ape, but again he was met with flat refusal. He had the address, however, which the trainer had given his father, and two days later he found the opportunity to elude his new tutor who had replaced the terrified Mr.

All of which is directed to no one in particular, and the Trainer, who sits far off in a corner, blowing up a football for the afternoon practice, smiles as the players are fishing for their clothes.

Then, in the coolness of a Scarlet Lake dawn, Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Lipton, one of the Air Force's crack pilots, arrived in one of the latest jet trainers. The staff of Pegasus greeted him and got to work at once. The jet trainer would take the place of the rocket for testing purposes.