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On the 29th of May, 1856, a new treaty, substantially like that with Great Britain, was procured by Townsend Harris, Esq., representing the United States; and later in the same year still another, in favor of France, through H. I. M.'s Envoy, M. Montigny. Before that time Portugal had been the only foreign government having a consul residing at Bangkok.

Late in the afternoon, as Shirley was busy in clearing his desk of unneeded papers, his friend Townsend dropped in to confer on some pending matters. "I am sorry, Fred, to tell you I am leaving," said Shirley as he closed the desk. "I don't know where I am going and I don't want the public to know where I am located.

"But shan't we be all more comfortable if we keep our chairs? There'll be less ceremony, won't there, Mr. Townsend?" "Oh! certainly," said Townsend. "Less liable to interruption, perhaps, on our legs," said Father Columb, smiling blandly. But Mr. M'Carthy was far too wise to fight the question, so he sat down.

"No," said they, with a faint laugh, "but what shall we do here in the dark all night long, and all day to-morrow? We can't unbar the shutters." "It's a wonder NOBODY ever thought of the trap-door!" said Townsend. The trap-door had indeed escaped the manager's observation. As the house was new to him, and the ceiling being newly white-washed, the opening was scarcely perceptible.

Townsend answered want of money, and the owing of the linen-draper L5000; and that he hath of late got many rich things made beds, and sheets, and saddles, and all without money, and he can go no further but still this old man, indeed, like an old loving servant, did cry out for the King's person to be neglected.

Sarah Boake, the wife of Abel, whose house stood near, called to Joseph Townsend and his brother William who since meeting closed had gone home to secure their horses in the stable, but had now returned to see what fine fellows these were. "They're something like an army!" cried she.

The 3d November our boat was sent off for Penguin Island, with wood and water, and as many men as she could carry; but, being deep laden, she durst not proceed, and returned again the same night. Then Parker, Smith, Townsend, Purpet, and five others, desired that they might go by land, and that the boat might fetch them from the shore opposite the isle, being scarcely a mile across.

Things always are broken on the walls, and the middle of the room isn't affected. I've read about it." Suddenly Mrs. Townsend gave a loud shriek and pointed. "How do you account for that," she cried, "if it's an earthquake? Oh, oh, oh!" She was on the verge of hysterics. Her husband held her firmly by the arm as his eyes followed the direction of her rigid pointing finger.

By Christmas I was back in St. Louis. By this time the conflict between President Johnson and Congress had become open and unconcealed. General E. D. Townsend, in his "Anecdotes of the Civil War," states tersely and correctly the preliminary circumstances of which I must treat. He says: "On Monday morning, August 5, 1867, President Johnson invited Mr. Stanton to resign as Secretary of War.

That afternoon things went on as usual in the household until nearly four o'clock. Adrianna went downtown to do some shopping. Mrs. Townsend sat sewing beside the bay window in her room, which was a front one in the third story. George had not got home. Mr. Townsend was writing a letter in the library.