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It wa'n't Maggie's day for contributin' to the prodigal son fund, though, and Skeet was statin' his opinion of her reckless when the butler interfered. Come near losin' Maggie her job, that little scene did; but she promises faithful it sha'n't happen again, and was kept on. "Blast her!" says Skeet to me later. "She's just as bad as the rest of 'em. They're all tightwads.

Burns and and Mr. Goodloe have something very real that we haven't," I faltered and, utterly weary, I laid my head down against his strong shoulder. "That's what they say, but they can't prove it. They can't pass it on, so it mustn't really be anything. They are not tightwads, so they wouldn't hold back on us with their salvation, would they? Well, then, they haven't anything.

Too happy to be perturbed, she replied in mock severity: "If I cry, you resent it; if I smile, you stop me. Really, you know, you're rather difficult." "You'd be difficult, too, if you had to try to do business with a bunch of tightwads. We've nothing to grin about, let me tell you." "Haven't we?" archly. He eyed her radiant face and ejaculated: "Lord, but you look simple! What ails you?"

We can't afford to have our reps ruined by being seen with you tightwads!" and guided Paul to one of the small tables beneath the musicians'-gallery. He felt guilty. At the Zenith Athletic Club, privacy was very bad form. But he wanted Paul to himself.

"Just what it does," agreed Steve, "because, once he sees things at their true value, he's apt to give a heap more liberally than some tightwads who never have had to turn over a new leaf." "So you see," continued Jack, "we'll not have to worry any more as to how the balance of the debt is going to be paid.

I was also greatly interested in companies where I put in one dollar and got back a dollar or two of bonds and a dollar or two of stock. That was doubling and trebling my money over night. An old banker once said to me, "Why don't you invest in something that will pay you five or six per cent. and get it?" I pitied his lack of vision. Bankers were such "tightwads." They had no imagination!

Burlingham had his doubts, too; but he retorted warmly: "Don't you believe it, Eshie. City's an outside. Underneath, there's still the simple, honest, grassy-green heart of the country." Eshwell laughed. "So you've stopped jeering at jays. You've forgotten what a lot of tightwads and petty swindlers they are. Well, I don't blame you.

He wanted to leap from the taxicab, but all his body was a murky fire, and he groaned, "Too late to quit now," and knew that he did not want to quit. There was, they felt, one very humorous incident on the way. A broker from Minnemagantic said, "Monarch is a lot sportier than Zenith. You Zenith tightwads haven't got any joints like these here." Babbitt raged, "That's a dirty lie!

"Y'orter heard the roar they put up about a tongue sandwich," she said. "Ain't it funny, Kitty, how tightwads is always fussy about their feed?" When Abe returned to his place of business a couple of hours later, he found Morris adding up figures on the back of an envelope. "Well, Abe," Morris cried, "what's new about the house?" "I'll tell you what's new, Mawruss," Abe replied.

Anna glanced at her hands slim, beautiful hands they were and shook her head obstinately. "No, dear. Because what we save now might be our only capital later." "But we're going to win. We're going to exert our resistless wills to the utmost. What's the use of being tightwads?" "But if we shouldn't win, look where we'd be! No, dear, we're going to save our pennies.