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One day Thumbkins was passing through the meadow and it began to rain. "Dear me! I shall get soaking wet!" Thumbkins cried as he hurried along. A mamma meadow-lark, sitting upon her nest, saw Thumbkins running and called to him: "Come here, little man, and get beneath my wing and I will keep you warm and dry!"

And, as they could not be told apart, everyone called Matilda or Katrinka the Cheery Twins whenever they spoke of either. Thumbkins lived in a tiny, cozy little house right down beneath a mushroom. The tiny, little house was made of cobwebs which Thumbkins had gathered from the bushes and weeds. These he had woven together with thistle-down, making the nicest little nest imaginable.

Thumbkins said, so he hopped out of his warm little bed and lit his tiny lantern. Then, though it was raining ever so hard, he pulled his little hat well down on his head and ran out into the storm. Yes! There was Mamma Meadow-Lark sitting upon her nest with her head tucked under her wing, sound asleep.

Now of course Thumbkins was happy because he had helped another, and when a person is happy there is nothing to worry about, and when there is nothing to worry about, of course there is nothing to keep one awake. So Thumbkins fell fast asleep and dreamed the most pleasant dreams. And they were such happy dreams Thumbkins slept until almost half-past eight the next morning.

When, in the language of those times, he was examined "before torture, in torture, between torture, and after torture" the torture of the rack and the thumbkins and the boot he added to his former testimony that the queen was a "Babylonish woman, a Potiphar, a Jezebel, a "

Have you seen Mrs. Thumbkins? She has not been at home all day and I can not find her!" cried Thumbkins. "Yes, I saw her early this morning going down the path with her acorn basket," said Granpa Tobackyworm as he blew a few rings of smoke in the air. "Perhaps she has gone to the Katydid grocery store to buy something," Granpa Tobackyworm added as he bounced up and down on his blade of grass.

Thumbkins said she had fried pancakes all day but she was not too tired to fry more. So she made a lot of pancakes, while Billy Bumblebee flew home and returned with a bucket of honey, and they had so many pancakes Mrs. Thumbkins asked Billy Bumblebee if he would fly around and invite all the neighbors in to help eat them.

Presently the raindrops began to patter on the round top of the mushroom and "drip-dropped" to the ground without getting Thumbkins' little house the least bit wet. Usually when it rained, the patter of the raindrops upon his mushroom roof lulled Thumbkins right to sleep, but tonight Thumbkins lay wide awake and thought and thought. "I can't go to sleep!"

"HUMMMM!" replied Billy Bumblebee. "Let me think! HUMMMM!" This was his way of thinking very hard. "Perhaps she has gone over to see Granpa Tobackyworm, Mr Thumbkins!" "No!" replied Thumbkins, "I went there, and also over to the Katydid store, but she was not there!"

And Billy Bumblebee buzzed right around his head as Old Man Hoppy-toad went down the path "Lickity split-Hoppity hop!" and never once looked behind him. Thumbkins and Mrs. Thumbkins went back home, and when Billy Bumblebee returned and told them he had made Old Man Hoppy-toad go 'way down to the river they knew they would never be troubled with him again. Mrs.