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After breakfast I rested and wrote some letters, while the gentlemen inspected the farm and stud. The proprietor of this estancia has the best horses in this part of the country, and has taken great pains to improve their breed, as well as that of the cattle and sheep, by importing thorough-breds from England.

This, so far from proving the obstacle I deemed it, seemed, on the contrary, to overwhelm Baby with delight. "Let's have them. Come, Charley, this will be rare fun; we couldn't have a team of four, could we?" "Six, if you like it, my dear coz only who's to hold them? They're young thorough-breds, most of them never backed; some not bitted. In fact, I know nothing of my stable.

The raising of thorough-breds is no longer the lucrative business that it used to be, and it required a good manager to bring the balance out on the right side of the ledger. Rad was such a spectacular looking young fellow that I was really surprised to find what sound business judgment he possessed.

I fear the farmers of Wiltshire would be only too happy to ride thorough-breds to the hunt, and see their daughters driving phaetons, as they are accused of doing; but I also fear that very, very few enjoy that privilege.

These and such like thoughts held him long till the noisy streets of the granite city lay far behind. Swiftly the road flew from under the sixteen flashing shoes of the thorough-breds that bore him along.

Jay Gardiner's face is as white as death, as, with bated breath, he watches the two thorough-breds. Every one rises to his feet in the hope of catching a full view of the flyers. Which will win the race the great Robin Adair or the gallant little Queen Bess? The mad shouts are deafening.

"That puts me in mind, Frank," said Harry, as he called my attention to the thorough-breds, "we must be back next Tuesday for the Beacon Races the new course up there on the hill; you can see the steps that lead to it and now is not this lovely?" he continued, as we mounted the first ridge of Weehawken, and looked back over the beautiful broad Hudson, gemmed with a thousand snowy sails of craft or shipping "Is not this lovely, Frank? and, by the by, you will say, when we get to our journey's end, you never drove through prettier scenery in your life.

He need associate with nothing except the horses, and they were likely to be thorough-breds. It would not, after all, be half so bad as some other things guiding superb horses through the streets and waiting at doors for his employers. To his mind, a coachman that is, a City coachman wears always more or less of a mask of stiff attention to duty. He could hide behind this mask.

The guard knew Robert, was pitiful over the condition of the travellers, would have put them inside, but that there was a lady there, and their clothes were wet, got out a great horse-rug and wrapped Robert in it, put a spare coat of his own, about an inch thick, upon Ericson, drew out a flask, took a pull at it, handed it to his new passengers, and blew a vigorous blast on his long horn, for they were approaching a desolate shed where they had to change their weary horses for four fresh thorough-breds.

And a fine, dashing turn-out it was, too, with its yellow wheels, its gleaming harness, and the handsome thorough-breds pawing impatient hoofs.