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I went through a river, I know. The water guggled under my arms." "River!" said the farmer, rising up and running his hand over Acton's clothes. "He has, wife; he's waded through t' beck! Man, give us thee hand! Thoo's a thoo's a good 'un. Noa! thoo shan't stir. I'll bring t'folk over t'fell mysel'!"

The little girl leaned forward at once, and kissed his firm, plump cheek. 'Thoo ith tho thoft, he said, and he stroked her cape and the chinchilla muff she was holding. 'I know thoo's a mouse. He said the 's' quite plainly, for his lisp was a very changeable one, and already he was on the way to lose it altogether. Everybody laughed. Ger liked the sound of the laugh it was not making fun of him.

"I reckon ye wad be a better stepmother to yon brocken-backt bitch of yours an it had the mange?" said Mattha. "Nay, but the plague the plague. Ye've heard what the new preachers are telling about the plague. Robbie's got it, Robbie's got the plague; I'm sure of it, sure." 'Becca set down the candle to wring her hands. "So thoo's sure of it, ista?" said Mattha.

'Mevvies it kenned she was the Priest's wife, suggested my companion. Then with a grin, 'Noo, as thoo's his nephew thoo gan and see if it will chivvy thoo, and, if it does, Aa'l bet thoo thoo'll run from it faster than thoo's ever run i' your life afore. I turned away with a laugh, saying I was going to look about for the dog's tracks.

Thy braw chiel 'ul tryste wi' th' hangman soon, I wat. And Angus he was fair mad, I can tell ye, and he said to Wilson, 'Thoo stammerin' and yammerin' taistrel, thoo; I'll pluck a lock of thy threep. Bring the warrant, wilt thoo? Thoo savvorless and sodden clod-heed! I'll whip thee with the taws. Slipe, I say, while thoo's weel slipe!"

I know it by the look of her." Polly laughed. "How you jump! I tell tha she never says a word aboot him." Hubert looked moodily at Laura's little figure in front. "All the more reason!" he said between his teeth. "She'd talk about him when she first came. But I'll find out never fear." "For goodness' sake, Hubert, let her be!" said Polly, entreating. "Sich wild stuff as thoo's been writin me!

And this afternoon, while she was in the parlour with Jenny, all of a sudden voices and clamour in the forge outside! The son, the outcast son, had quietly presented himself to his father. "Oh, an sic a to-do! His fadther wadna let him ben. 'Naa, he says, 'if thoo's got owt to say, thoo may say it i' th' shop.

And when they were once more settled as audience, the mistress who was by this time fanning herself tempestuously with the Whinthorpe paper launched her last word: "Daffady thoo's naa call to lay doon t' law, on sic matters at aw. Mappen tha'll recolleck t' Bible headstrong as tha art i' thy aan conceit.