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He was unconscious of them all, as he leaned his elbow on the projecting rails of the fence at their intersection close at hand. "Hev ye hed yer health, The'dosia?" he said. "Don't I look like it?" she replied laughingly. There was something both of cordiality and coquetry in her manner.

I hev jes' hed ter baig an' baig, an' plead an' plead, with that boy 'bout this an' that an' t'other, till I wouldn't go through ag'in what I hev been through ter git 'lected doorkeeper o' heaven. But," with a sudden change of tone and a flush of pride, "The'dosia, ye dunno what a' all-fired pretty speaker Wat hev got ter be.

Blakely too, who with rolling-pin in her hand had turned to gaze out of the window, went back to rolling out the dough vigorously, with only the muttered comment, "Wish The'dosia didn't know how much I'd like that man fur a son-in-law, then she'd be willin' ter like him better herse'f."

"Who tole ye ez I war hyar, anyhows?" he demanded angrily. "'Dosia," replied Justus Hoxon in a mild tone. Then, with an effort at exculpation, "I 'lowed ye'd be keen plumb sharp set fur news 'bout the prospec's o' the 'lection. An' she 'lowed ez ye hed kem down hyar hopin' ter git a deer. 'T war The'dosia."

"The'dosia," he said, "air ye mad with me 'kase ye 'low I forgot ye this evenin'?" Theodosia had recovered her poise. Now that she had begun she felt suddenly fluent. It did not accord with her estimate of her own attractions to dismiss a lover because he had forgotten her. She began to find a relish in the situation, and sought to adjust its details more accurately to her preferences.

The torn sleeve fell away to the elbow, and her mother, glancing out of the window, took remorseful heed of it, and wished that she herself had set a stitch in it. "The'dosia shows herself so back'ard 'bout mendin', an' sech she air enough ter skeer any man away. An' Justus knows jes' what sech laziness means.

"O The'dosia," he cried, "I can't holp thinkin', hevin' so many frien's nowadays, whenst it's 'Hail! hyar, an' 'Howdy! thar, an' a clap on the shoulder ter the east, an' a 'How's yer health? ter the west, an' a handshake ter the north, an' 'Take a drink? ter the south, from one e-end o' the county ter the t'other, how I fared whenst I hed jes' one frien' in the worl', an' that war yer mother!