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She muttered hugely of this discrimination and a moment later seemed to be knitting her remarks into a gray sock. The mutterings had gradually achieved the coherence of remarks. And I presently became aware that the uninflated price of beef was no longer their burden. They now concerned the singular reticence of all losers of fist fights. Take Squat's German.

The big tongue of his "busting" plow knocked in the ring of the wheelers' yoke; the chain clanked idly against it; a little cloud of debris hair and dust which the cracker had bit out of the tuft between Squat's horns floated away on the breeze. All this was not done with any expectation of making them go faster. For an ox to alter his gait, except slightly to run away, would be unnatural.

No, Squat, if you were to go into your village with that lion's skin, why the old men would bend their heads to you, and say, 'Great is Squat! He killed the lion, and wears his skin. The young women would all fight which should be the wife of Squat. Squat would be king of the village." Squat's eyes began to roll.

Seeing he admired the rifle, Staines offered it him for the odd hundred pounds; but though Squat's eye glittered a moment, he declined. Finding that they met too many diggers and carts, Staines asked his Hottentot was there no nearer way to reach that star, pointing to one he knew was just over Dale's Kloof.

The feat had excited much uncheerful comment among Squat's confrères, bets being freely offered that he would be disfigured for life, even if he survived; and what was the sense of monkeying with a thing like that when you could pull your hat down over it?

If they come after you keep on, and leave me." "Niver, Frank Hamersley, niver! Walt Wilder ain't the man to sep'rate from a kumrade, and leave him in a fix that way. If ye must pull up, so do this child. An' I see ye must; thar's no behelp for it." "I cannot go a step farther." "Enuf! But don't let's stan' to be seen miles off. Squat's the word. Down on yer belly, like a toad under a harrer.

In short, he had really diamond on the brain. He hem'd and haw'd a little at Squat's proposal, and then got out of it by saying, "That is not necessary. I can shoot it from here." "It is too far," objected Blacky. "Too far! This is an Enfield rifle. I could kill the poor beast at three times that distance." Blacky was amazed.