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And I suppose as I got more and more lonesome and mixed less and less with people, I got sourer and then I delayed from meanness. It would have been easy enough for me to buy it of my daughter, and she'd have been willing enough; but as I saw more and more put upon me, and less and less human recognition I was 'a rich man, and needed no personal sympathy or encouragement, it seemed I held back.

She had grown sourer with years and more eccentric with authority, but the general never failed to treat her crotchets with courtesy or to open the door for her when she came and went. To the mild complaints of Miss Chris and the protestations of Eugenia he returned the invariable warning: "She is our guest remember what is due to a guest, my dears."

Some cranberries are sourer than others, you know." "M-m! Ah!" sighed Chet ecstatically. "If there is one thing I like " Lance began to sing-song: "'There was a young woman named Hooker, Who wasn't so much of a looker; But she could build a pie That would knock out your eye! So along came a fellow and took 'er!" "Oh! Oh! We're all running to poetry," groaned Chet. "This will never do."

At which junctures all their belches were received for sacred, the sourer the better, and swallowed with infinite consolation by their meagre devotees. And to render these yet more complete, because the breath of man's life is in his nostrils, therefore the choicest, most edifying, and most enlivening belches were very wisely conveyed through that vehicle to give them a tincture as they passed.

Mightily the sergeants lamented; but presently they fetched raiment from the packs, and arrayed them, for enough they had and to spare. So they climbed into the saddle, and continued their journey. They rode that day, nor for aught that had chanced did Messire Thibault show sourer countenance to the lady. At nightfall they came to a goodly town, and there took shelter in an inn.

Nor is it important to discover how the difference arose; how far chiller climate and sourer soil, centuries of unequal yet not inglorious conflict, a separate race of kings, a body of separate traditions, and a peculiar crisis of reformation issuing in peculiar forms of religious worship, confirmed and strengthened the national idiosyncrasy.

"But, being a woman, it seems I've got to spend my life slavin' for other folks' stomachs. But you're yo' Uncle Nick Sales all over again; 'Don't you get up befo' day to set that dough, Marthy, he'd say, but when the bread came on flat as a pancake, he'd look sourer than all the rest." "What was my Uncle Nick Sales like?" asked Nicholas indifferently.

Old Governor Bellingham would come grimly forth, with his King James's ruff fastened askew; and Mistress Hibbins, with some twigs of the forest clinging to her skirts, and looking sourer than ever, as having hardly got a wink of sleep after her night ride; and good Father Wilson, too, after spending half the night at a death-bed, and liking ill to be disturbed, thus early, out of his dreams about the glorified saints.

Pot-luck, as it is called, in Scotland when the man's wife is in the sulks, the wife's man proportionably savage, the children blear-eyed from the recent blubber in the nursery the governess afraid to lift her eyes from her plate the aunt sourer than the vinegar cruet and we alas! the stranger, stepping in to take pot-luck we, poor old Christopher North, thanklessly volunteering to help the cock-y-leekie, that otherwise would continue to smoke and steam unstirred in its truly classical utensil!

These poor creatures were endeavouring to make a meal from herbage so trodden and thin that scarcely a wholesome blade remained; the little that there was consisted of the sourer sorts common on such sandy soils, mingled with tufts of heather and sprouting ferns. 'Why have we come here, dear Berta? said Picotee, shuddering. 'I hardly know, said Ethelberta.