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There was a tone of injured justice about Aby which almost roused the father to participate in the son's indignation. "Well; I did my best, though the old gentleman was in such a taking," said he. "And what was your best? Come, out with it at once." "I m-m. I just told him who I was, you know." "I guess he understood that quite well." "And then I said things weren't going exactly well with me."

"All right," nodded the captain; "but did you hear about the storm flags being up?" "So I heard, sir." "M-m! Close that door. It's cold." The mate closed the door; but almost immediately the captain raised a window and gazed down the harbor. "It looks bad to me," he said after a while. "It is a bad-looking night," assented the mate.

"Ain't I always hungry? M-m !" as the shop door opened and she sniffed the odors of coffee and food. "Do, do hurry and feed the poor little thing," urged Grace, almost in tears. "Oh! I'm sorry I came with you girls. Hungry! Only think of being hungry, Walter!" Inez looked at Grace as though she thought she was losing her mind. "Aw, say," said she, "don't let it worry youse.

He drew forward an easy chair and saw her comfortably seated. "Have you heard that Miss Twining is ill?" Polly began. "Miss Twining?" he repeated interrogatively. "M-m no, I had not heard. Is she an especial friend of yours, some one I ought to know?" He smiled apologetically. "I find it difficult always to place people on the instant."

"But it's hot they be!" Freckles' utterance was thick owing to a large mouthful of cake with which she was occupied. "I kept 'em so squeezin' 'em against my stommick." "Where the pain was?" "M-m," her chum answered abstractedly.

Captain Blaise filled them up again. "Men like myself, Rimmle, are but pawns in this trading game. It is the people on the inside, the Governor of Momba and gentlemen like you, who direct the play." Rimmle smacked his lips. "M-m To be sure, the Governor of Momba "

M-m" Johnnie was taking deep breaths now "why, then I'd have to put sail to her " "What sail?" "Why, jib, jumbo, fore and main." "And the wind blowing eighty mile an hour?" "Why, yes, if she'd stand it." "My, but she'd have to be an able vessel that all four lowers and the wind blowing eighty mile an hour. Man, but you're a dog! Suppose she couldn't stand it?" "Then I'd reef the mains'l."

"As far as my experience goes, Captain, it is one of three things." "And which of the three is my failing?" Captain Blaise was absently filling their glasses. "M-m It cannot be money you never cared for that. You who have made fortunes and spent them as fast as you made them no, it cannot be money. And then your newly acquired property in the States " "My newly acquired What of that?"

And the pines that are nature's prophylactic brushes. And the sky. And peace. That sounds like a railway folder, but it's true. I know." They trudged along in silence for a little while. "Got that?" "M-m," replied Fanny, disinterestedly, without looking at him. Heyl's jaw set. You could see the muscles show white for an instant.

Have m-m your friends ever mentioned the matter to you?" "No," said Billy Louise, and her eyes were wide. "Hm-mm! We must discover, if we can, Miss MacDonald, whether they are in any way implicated with this man Olney. I believe that this is at present more important than the recovery of any m-m cattle of mine which they may have appropriated." Billy Louise looked at him for a minute. "Mr.