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"Beauty Slays Soul-Mate; Shoots Self." ... Annihilation on a smaller but more interesting scale, this. A street-car has crashed into a brewery wagon and at the bottom of the column a taxi has run over a golden-haired little girl at play. But why has Raymond S. Cotton, wealthy clubman and financier and prominent in north-shore society circles, disappeared? Society circles are agog.

"You are my True Love and my Kaikobád and my Man-God and my Soul-Mate! And no baby is ever going to come between me and you!" "You shouldn't say those awful things," he declared, but he did it only half-heartedly. "But I want you to sit and smoke with me, beloved, the same as you always did," I told him.

Nothing nothing makes any difference when you are face to face with destiny and your soul-mate calls! It has to be it has to be! can't you won't you see it?" "God help all poor souls lost in the dark!" She did see it. It stared her relentlessly in the face and tugged mercilessly at her heart with fingers of red-hot steel!

"A week ago," said Eustace Hignett, "I will ask you to picture me seated after some difficulty in a carriage in the New York Subway. I got into conversation with a girl with an elephant gun." Sam revised his private commination service in order to include the elephant gun. "She was my soul-mate," proceeded Eustace with quiet determination. "I didn't know it at the time, but she was.

I notice among them a song from The Bohemian Girl. It bears the title of Then You'll Remember Me. Poor old Peter! For when I play it, I know I'll always be thinking of another man. Sunday the Fifth Life is a club from which Cupid can never be blackballed. I notice that Struthers, who seems intent on the capture of a soul-mate, has taken to darning Whinstane Sandy's socks for him.

And if there was humility on that lean and rock-ribbed countenance of my soul-mate there was also antagonism, and mixed up with the antagonism was a sprinkling of startled wonder, and tangled up with the wonder was a slightly perplexed brand of contrition, and interwoven with that again was a suggestion of allegiance revived, as though he had forgotten that he possessed a wife who had a heart and mind of her own, who was even worth sticking to when the rest of the world was threatening to give him the cold shoulder.

For forty years she was the true and loving helpmate of her husband, and by act and word unweariedly forwarded him as none else could, in all of worthy that he did or attempted." The married life of Faraday was eminently happy. In his wife he found, at the same time, a true helpmate and soul-mate.

This time the Bluebird's heart seemed really broken and his cries of lamentation filled the grove. Eleven days now passed before a third soul-mate came to share his fortunes. We could afford to take no more risks. On a sunny hillside in the garden the cat was buried, and a few weeks later four little Bluebirds left the lawn on their own wings. The Faithful Canada Geese.

"I had to shut my eyes many times to his little flings; but this is serious. He has found his soul-mate. Mud souls, obscene and cunning! Mud bodies, too the mud of the gutter! I tell you, we are no match for the vile populace. I, even I, have been nearly caught. He asked me to detain you till he gave me the signal. It won't be you that I'll have to shoot, but him.

Well she knew how strong was his passion for her, how his life was at her disposal. She knew that on reading those despairing lines of hers he would be staggered. She recalled the dear face of her soul-mate, his hot kisses, his soft terms of endearment, and alone there, with none to witness her bitter grief, she burst into a flood of tears.