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Updated: August 3, 2024

As they seemed hardly adequate, Lydia suggested half-heartedly that they give a dinner party, but Paul replied, "With 'Stashie to pour soup down people's backs and ask them how their baby's whooping cough is, as she passes the potatoes?" The hot weather came with the rush that was always so unexpected and so invariable, and another season was over.

The conversation, which had lapsed between the two impressive visits of the young officer, now revived tepidly; the men across the aisle began making clumsy experiments with their straw seats' capacity for comparative comfort; two card games, half-heartedly begun, soon drew several spectators to sitting positions on the arms of seats.

Overhead the sky burned, and from the brown fields, which stretched to the wooded base of the mountain, heat waves rose as though the dry earth were panting with visible breath. An insect chirped half-heartedly in the grass, and then left off as though the effort were too great, and a small striped snake leisurely wove a sinuous path through the dust ahead of him, and vanished with a faint hiss.

The men below were prowling half-heartedly, it seemed to him as if they were afraid of running upon him too suddenly. It came to him that they were afraid of him and he grinned feebly at the joke. He had not before stopped to consider his appearance, being concerned with more important matters.

Half-heartedly Peace reached up for it, but he shook his head, knowing how easy it was for her to misread even printed words and what ludicrous blunders it often led to, and gravely suggested, "Suppose I read it to you first. Then if there is anything you do not understand, perhaps I can explain it so it will be easier to memorize." "Oh, if you just would!" Peace exclaimed gratefully.

These organizations of the skilled had entered but half-heartedly into a struggle that now began to threaten, indeed, their very existence, and when it was charged that the Textile Workers had been attempting to secure recruits from the ranks of the strikers, and had secretly offered the millowners a scale of demands in the hope that a sufficient number of operatives would return to work, and so break the strike; a serious riot was barely averted.

Justice is abroad tonight and it won't be balked. I'm after that original land record and I'm going to have it. You know where it is you've got it. Your face told me that the other day. You're only half-heartedly in this steal. Be a man give me the record and I'll stand by you until hell freezes over! Quick! Is it in the safe?" The Judge wavered in agonized indecision.

It is to the credit of the man's insight that he saw the mood and took pains to foster it. Twice he asked her to marry him. The first time her heart was still sore with disappointment and she refused yet half-heartedly. He waited his time and when the natural cheerfulness of her temper was beginning to rise, he again tried his fortune. "I cannot," she cried. "I cannot.

Stedman raised his arm half-heartedly to give the time, and opened his mouth; but his arm remained fixed and his mouth open, while his eyes stared at the retreating boat of the German man-of-war. In the stern sheets of this boat the stout German captain was struggling unsteadily to his feet; he raised his arm and waved it to some one on the great man-of-war, as though giving an order.

So he passed his time out of school in the society of his grandmother and Shargar, except that spent in the garret, and the few hours a week occupied by the lessons of the shoemaker. For he went on, though half-heartedly, with those lessons, given now upon Sandy's redeemed violin which he called his old wife, and made a little progress even, as we sometimes do when we least think it.

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