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We have referred above, when dealing with the legitimacy of commercial profits, to the difficulty which was felt in admitting the justice of compensation for risk, on account of the Gregorian Decretal on the subject. The same decree gave rise to the same difficulty in connection with the justification of a recompense for periculum sortis.

Their heads were brought in, still bleeding, and "l'identite ayant ete suffisamment constatee, la mort des principaux acteurs a termine cette sanglante tragedie, et nous sommes sortis de ces catacombes apennines pour revoir le plus brillant soleil." Wonderful tales are still told of the brigands in these forests.

Even the holding of offices together, the disposition of which arose from chance, not selection, gave rise to a relation which continued for life. It was called necessitudo sortis; and it was looked upon with a sacred reverence. Breaches of any of these kinds of civil relation were considered as acts of the most distinguished turpitude.

The second and less placable class of "Englishmen in the West Indies," whose final departure our author would have us to believe would complete the catastrophe to progress in the British Antilles, is very impalpable indeed. We cannot feel them. We have failed to even see them. True, Mr. But where, in the name of Heaven, where are these sortis de la cuisse de Jupiter, Mr. Froude?

«Quoique la plupart des blocs de granit dur, que l'on observe sur toute l'étendue de ce terrain granitique, soient entièrement sortis et dégagés de la masse de pierre qui forme la montagne, on en rencontre cependant qui ne sont pas encore tout-

The one whose name you draw will do the honors to the Cochin-China Emperor's white elephant." The two foes turned round toward the window. Lorand gazed out, while Gyáli played with his watch-chain. The child unsuspectingly stepped up to the hat that served as the "urna sortis," and drew out one of the pieces of paper. He opened it and read the name, "Lorand Áronffy."

This contract could not be considered a partnership, inasmuch as the property in the money passed to the borrower; but it probably escaped condemnation as usurious on the ground that the lender shared in the risk of the enterprise. The payment of some additional sum over and above the money lent might thus be justified on the ground of periculum sortis.

Je sortis de Constantinople le 23 Janvier 1433, et traversai d'abord Rigory, passage jadis assez fort, et formé par une vallée dans laquelle s'avance un bras de mer qui peut bien avoir vingt milles de longueur. Il y avoit une tour que les Turcs ont abattue. Il y reste un pont, une chaussée et un village de Grecs. Pour arriver

There was another title on account of which more than the amount of the loan could be recovered, namely, periculum sortis.

He was almost an old man, tall and thin, with white moustache; and, three years ago, he had married the daughter of a comrade, left an orphan on the death of her father, Colonel Sortis. The captain and the lieutenant, on whom their commanding officer was leaning, attempted to lead him away.