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She was certainly not going to follow Gilfoyle into the beyond. Jim was left helpless with an unanswerable riddle on his mind. He could only curse himself for being fool enough to get married, and join the vast club of the Repenters at Leisure. He felt sorrier for Kedzie than ever, but he also felt sorry for himself.

"I want you, Becky." "Don't," she said, shakily, "I am sorry." She was sorry to see him no longer shining, no longer splendid, but she was glad that the spell was broken the charm of sparkling eyes and quick voice gone forever. She said again, as she gave him her hand at parting, "I'm sorry." His laugh was not pleasant. "You'll be sorrier if you marry Paine."

It was as if her own will could no longer lead her, as if she were being carried by a strong tide, with other jetsam, towards shores unknown. At last she was seated in an ordinary coach, than which man has never devised sorrier accommodation for a long journey.

I am sorry indeed that I have no Greek, but I should be sorrier still if I were dead; nor do I know the name of that branch of knowledge which is worth acquiring at the price of a brain fever.

"Why do you ask?" queried Balin. "Because I have the right to know." "It was I," said Balin. "He pursued me hither, and forced me to fight. One of us had to die. As for the damsel, she died by her own hand, for which no man can be sorrier than I. For her sake I shall owe all women the better love and favor." "You have done yourself great damage," said the dwarf.

"I should be but a sorry soldier and a sorrier friend if I should let a love-tap with the flat of a blade make me fail you at the pinch." He reached across the little gap that parted us and grasped my hand. "By God!" he swore, most feelingly, "you are as true as the steel you carry, Jack Ireton!"

She was sorrier for Bruce because, while Edith had lost only her husband, Bruce had lost his very life. And life meant so much to Laura, these days, the glowing, coursing, vibrant life of her warm beautiful body. She was thinking of that as she stood in the hall. In the evening, at home in his study, Roger heard a slight knock at the door. He looked up and saw John. "May I come in, Mr.

She was as nearly pale as a heated person of her weight may be. "And what has happened now, cook?" asked Lady Maria. "That Buggle, your ladyship," said cook, "says your ladyship can't be no sorrier than he is, but when fish goes bad in a night it can't be made fresh in the morning. He brought it that I might see it for myself, and it is in a state as could not be used by any one.

Thither to them cometh Birdalone, clad no more in her gay attire, but in a strait black coat and with unshod feet; and she looked no sorrier than she was. By Birdalone's rede the Champions bore down in their own hands the victual and weapons and armour that they needed for the voyage; for she knew not but that the Sending Boat might take it amiss that any should touch her save the senders.

When they sat down on the grass with Captain curled at their feet, Soot solemnly listening on a tree and Nut and Shell nosing about close to them, it seemed to Mary that it would be scarcely bearable to leave such delightfulness, but when she began to tell her story somehow the look in Dickon's funny face gradually changed her mind. She could see he felt sorrier for Colin than she did.