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The lamp that Sophronia was holding shook, and the Captain hurriedly brushed his eyes with the back of his hand. Dr. Morgan started perceptibly as he bent forward to look at the little fevered face of Dusenberry. Graver and graver he became as he felt the pulse and peered into the swollen throat. At length he rose and led the way back into the sitting room.

She then had read Tasso! This girl that I had been treating as an ignoramus in poetry! She proceeded with a slight glow of the cheek, summoned up perhaps by a casual glow of feeling: "I do not admire those masculine heroines," said she, "who aim at the bold qualities of the opposite sex. Now Sophronia only exhibits the real qualities of a woman, wrought up to their highest excitement.

On his invitation I held a meeting there, on the third day of June, 1846, and organized a class. The following were the first members: Wm. A. Cheney, Leader, Sophronia Cheney, Abigail Cheney, D.S. Cowles, Ann Cowles, Henry Moore, and wife. At this time Brandon had not taken form or name, but, on its appearance, the honors and emoluments of this society passed over to its keeping.

I had scarcely realized that I was in a cottage chamber instead of on a ship's deck, when Sophronia exclaimed: "Pierre, I wonder if a shower-bath hasn't been arranged just where our bed stands? because drops of water are falling in my face once in a while. They are lovely and cool, but they trickle off on the pillow, and that don't feel nice."

Sophronia, who was a Methodist by descent and early confirmation, was of the opinion that the child should have a Bible name. The Captain respected his wife's wishes, but put in an ardent plea for his own name, Hiram. "There's been a Hiram Baker in our family ever since Noah h'isted the main-r'yal on the ark," he declared. "I'd kinder like to keep the procession a-goin'."

The stimulant is Lammle's voice. 'Sophronia, my dear, what portraits are you showing Twemlow? 'Public characters, Alfred. 'Show him the last of me. 'Yes, Alfred. She puts the book down, takes another book up, turns the leaves, and presents the portrait to Twemlow. 'That is the last of Mr Lammle. Do you think it good? Warn her father against me.

Whether it can be made much of, or little of, we must wait because we can't help it to see. Probably we shall make the most of it that is to be made. 'Probably, said Lammle. 'Do you think it impossible, she asked, in the same cold plotting way, 'that you might replace the Secretary? 'Not impossible, Sophronia. It might be brought about. At any rate it might be skilfully led up to.

I am out shopping early with Ma, and I said I had a headache and got Ma to leave me outside in the phaeton, in Piccadilly, and ran round to Sackville Street, and heard that Sophronia was here, and then Ma came to see, oh such a dreadful old stony woman from the country in a turban in Portland Place, and I said I wouldn't go up with Ma but would drive round and leave cards for the Boffins, which is taking a liberty with the name; but oh my goodness I am distracted, and the phaeton's at the door, and what would Pa say if he knew it!

You have done so well to-day, Sophronia, that I answer the question, though you know I object to any such questions. You have done so well to-day, Sophronia, that you must be tired. Get to bed. Fledgeby deserved Mr Alfred Lammle's eulogium. He was the meanest cur existing, with a single pair of legs.

'If working him out of the way could be presented in the light of a service to Mr Boffin? 'Take time, Sophronia. 'We have remarked lately, Alfred, that the old man is turning very suspicious and distrustful. 'Miserly too, my dear; which is far the most unpromising for us. Nevertheless, take time, Sophronia, take time.