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Carl prowled down the street, a fine, new, long stick at his side, like a saber. He rounded the block, and waited back of the Cowles carriage-shed, doing sentry-go and planning the number of parrots and pieces of eight he would bring back from San Francisco. Then his father and mother would be sorry they'd talked about him in their Norwegian! "Carl!"

Barrington Cowles happened to have taken a bedroom upon the same floor as mine, and when we came to know each other better we shared a small sitting-room, in which we took our meals. In this manner we originated a friendship which was unmarred by the slightest disagreement up to the day of his death. Cowles' father was the colonel of a Sikh regiment and had remained in India for many years.

Cowles told me Gertie is expected back to-morrow." "Gee whiz! I thought she was going to stay in New York for two years! And she's only been gone six months." "I guess Mrs. Cowles is kind of lonely without her," Ben mooned. "So now you'll be all nice and in love with Gertie again, heh? It certainly gets me why you want to fall in love, Fatty, when you could go hunting."

Realizing the importance of this point, the Cowles Electric Smelting and Aluminum Company has purchased an extensive and reliable water power, and works are soon to be erected for the utilization of 1,200 horse power. An important feature in the use of these furnaces, from a commercial standpoint, is the slight technical skill required in their manipulation.

"Why, of course," said Belknap, and "of course," echoed everybody else. My fair vis-a-vis looked me now full in the face and smiled, so that a dimple in her right cheek was plainly visible. "Yes," said she, "I'm going on out to join my father on the front. This is my second time across, though. Is it your first, Mr. Cowles?" "My first; and I am very lucky.

Among the killed were: Colonel Edward P. Chapin, of the 116th New York; Colonel Davis S. Cowles, of the 128th New York; Lieutenant-Colonel William L. Rodman, of the 38th Massachusetts; Lieutenant-Colonel James O'Brien, of the 48th Massachusetts; Captain John B. Hubbard, Assistant Adjutant-General, of Weitzel's brigade; Lieutenant Ladislas A. Wrotnowkski, Topographical Engineer on Weitzel's staff.

Regarding their work in the Chapel of Christ Church, New Haven, Miss Genevieve Cowles writes me: "These express the Prayer of the Prisoner, the Prayer of the Soul in Darkness, and the Prayer of Old Age. These are paintings of states of the soul and of deep emotions. The paintings are records of human lives and not mere imagination. We study our characters directly from life."

One night I think it was our third or fourth on the island Barrington Cowles and I went outside the cottage before retiring to rest, to enjoy a little fresh air, for our room was small, and the rough lamp caused an unpleasant odour. How well I remember every little circumstance in connection with that night!

The other was that it was very peculiar that a Fenian refugee should care to express slanderous views of the soldiers of a Lost Cause. Both thoughts, once introduced into the young man's mind, obstinately stuck there. Meeting of the Post Directors to elect a Successor to Colonel Cowles; Charles Gardiner West's Sensible Remarks on Mr. Queed; Mr.

For she had started out with the intention to tell Mr. Queed that he must be very gentle with Fifi. Relating how Two Stars in their Courses fought for Mr. Queed; and how he accepted Remunerative Employment under Colonel Cowles, the Military Political Economist. The stars in their courses fought for Mr. Queed in those days.