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Rita Sohlberg was by far the most pleasing woman he had ever known. "Yes, but elusive, just the same," he went on, leaning toward her. "You remind me of something that I can find no word for a bit of color or a perfume or tone a flash of something. I follow you in my thoughts all the time now. Your knowledge of art interests me. I like your playing it is like you.

She was interested in Sohlberg, and the southward crush of vehicles on Michigan Avenue was distracting her attention. As they drove swiftly past budding trees, kempt lawns, fresh-made flower-beds, open windows the whole seductive world of spring Cowperwood felt as though life had once more taken a fresh start. His magnetism, if it had been visible, would have enveloped him like a glittering aura.

Once warned, however, by her suspicious questioning, Cowperwood was more mechanically attentive than ever. He did his best to conceal his altered mood his enthusiasms for Mrs. Sohlberg, his interest in Antoinette Nowak and this helped somewhat. But finally there was a detectable change. Aileen noticed it first after they had been back from Europe nearly a year.

Once outside, Cowperwood continued with brilliant assurance: "Now, my dear Sohlberg, what is it I can say? What is it you wish me to do? My wife has made a lot of groundless charges, to say nothing of injuring your wife most seriously and shamefully. I cannot tell you, as I have said, how sorry I am. I assure you Mrs. Cowperwood is suffering from a gross illusion.

She had some idea she could send him pupils, and, anyhow, it was nice to call at the Sohlberg studio. Her social life was dull enough as it was. So she went, and Cowperwood, mindful of Mrs. Sohlberg, came also. Shrewd to the point of destruction, he encouraged Aileen in her interest in them.

"It's very strange," said Sohlberg, sullenly, after a little while. "I daunt onderstand it! I daunt onderstand it at all. Why should she do soach a thing? Why should she say soach things? Here we have been the best of friends opp to now. Then suddenly she attacks my wife and sais all these strange things." "But I have assured you, my dear Mr. Sohlberg, that my wife was not in her right mind.

"The father" of the so-called "one" was probably Haguenin or Cochrane, more than likely Haguenin. "The husband of the other" but who was the husband of the other? She had not heard of any scandal with the wife of anybody. It could not be the case of Rita Sohlberg and her husband that was too far back. It must be some new affair of which she had not the least inkling, and so she sat and reflected.

She changed her mind, however, before she reached the office for it was Rita Sohlberg she wished to reach first and ordered her coachman to drive back to the Sohlberg studio. But still they had not returned. In a kind of aimless rage she went home, wondering how she should reach Rita Sohlberg first and alone. Then, to her savage delight, the game walked into her bag.

If there is anything I can possibly do anything either of you can suggest" he looked around solicitously at Sohlberg "I shall only be too glad to do it. How would it do for you to take Mrs. Sohlberg away for a little while for a rest? I shall so gladly pay all expenses in connection with her recovery."

One Thursday afternoon, when neither Aileen nor he could attend the Sohlberg tea, Mrs. Sohlberg received a magnificent bunch of Jacqueminot roses. "For your nooks and corners," said a card. She knew well enough from whom it came and what it was worth. There were all of fifty dollars worth of roses. It gave her breath of a world of money that she had never known.