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"Boy! two sodas," said Maurice, striking the table with his cane; and the two friends sat down near the edge of a walk where the crowd passed and repassed. They had been there about ten minutes when two women stopped before them. "Good-day, Maurice," said the taller, a brunette with rich coloring, the genuine type of a tavern girl. "What, Margot!" exclaimed the young man. "Will you take something?

There was a whisky and soda in it, two whiskies and sodas, or even three; a cigar, a game of billiards perhaps there was more than one game, or some other game besides billiards. At all events there must have been something more, for the Captain afterwards declared he was ruined in less than an hour, fleeced, cheated of his little all!

One such group he met was made up of half a dozen young people on their way to the drug store for ices and sodas. Helen was among them and with her was young Raymond. They called to him to join them, but he pretended not to hear.

Leaning on his elbows on a corner of the table, Des Esseintes sat waiting for his glass of port ordered of a gentleman who was opening explosive sodas contained in oval bottles which recalled, while exaggerating, the capsules of gelatine and gluten used by pharmacies to conceal the taste of certain medicines.

The gentlemen were in evening dress, the ladies gowned in the latest fashion, jewels and trinkets flashed, eyes sparkled, cheeks glowed, as story and jest went round, while the ladies sipped their refreshing sodas and the men drank their wine.

There's one thing I'm not going to be silly any more, the way I was about those ice-cream sodas this morning. And I think yes, I will I'll promise you right now not to have any soda or any candy between meals for a month. You think they're bad for me, don't you?" "I think they must be, Dolly, or the Camp Fire Girls wouldn't give honor beads for doing without them.

Kunz's soda water receipts swelled to double their usual size, and the girls' complexions were something awful that summer. I've known Nellie Donovan to take as many as three ice cream sodas and two phosphates a day when Eddie was mixing. He had a way of throwing in a good-natured smile, and an easy flow of conversation with every drink.

With Sir Charles I noticed another man, young, with very fair hair a mere boy, he seemed in evening clothes of the latest cut. When I returned to the hotel I saw them all seated in the big hall over whiskies and sodas, laughing merrily together. It was late, all the other guests having retired.

"It was Father Nugent's suggestion to give up smoking," he said, unable to eliminate from his voice a touch of pride, "I knocked off whiskies and sodas, too but that was off my own bat." "'Smite them by the merit of the Lenten Fast!" murmured Christian. Unlike Larry, she evaded personalities and especially those that involved a discussion of religion.

"A little lemon water will cool you off better than half a dozen of those ice-cream sodas you're so fond of, Dolly." Dolly made a face at her. "I think it's mean of you to tease me about soda when you know I can't have it, no matter how much I want it," she said. "But I don't care, really.