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The allowance of small-beer was fixed at five pints a day, though it was maintained that it should be six. Lord Baltimore, according to Johnson, said that 'as every gentleman's servants each consumed daily six pints, it surely is not to be required that a soldier should live in a perpetual state of warfare with his constitution. Ib. p. 418.

The mistress of the house, a North-country woman, was so condescending as to blow my fire, remarking, at the same time, that coals were a very scarce article; she begged to know whether I would choose a fire in my bed-room, and what quantity of coals she should lay in; she added many questions about boarding, and small-beer, and tea, and sugar, and butter, and blankets, and sheets, and washerwomen, which almost overwhelmed my spirits.

In his description of the exercises of the Club of Wits, only one respectably clever epigram is quoted, beginning, "Since in religion all men disagree, And some one God believe, some thirty, and some three." This production "was voted heretical," and burned by the hands of the small-beer drawer, while the author was expelled.

In his wife, "a chronicler of small-beer," with a perfectly negative expression. One might guess she did no harm, and fear she did no good, that she saved the hire of an upper servant, that she was an inveterate sewer and cleaner, and would leave the world in time with an epitaph.

Having been answered in the affirmative, he then proceeded to ask whether there was a blackguard boy in the house who would take "the horse to the steeble;" whether "he could have a dthrink of small-beer or buthermilk, being, faith, uncommon dthry;" and whether, finally, "he could be feevored with a few minutes' private conversation with her and Mr.

He has a nose of his own, which he keeps tolerably exalted; he does not think small-beer of himself, madam; and all the time I have been with him, I never heard him ask a favour before; therefore, madam, I am sure you will oblige him. . . ."

A wake in England is a meeting avowedly for merriment; in Ireland it is a nocturnal meeting avowedly for the purpose of watching and bewailing the dead; but, in reality, for gossiping and debauchery. Shebean-house, a hedge alehouse. Shebcan properly means weak small-beer, taplash. At the coronation of one of our monarchs, the king complained of the confusion which happened in the procession.

Strain off the hops, and keep for the small beer. Let the wort stand in a high tub till cool enough to receive the yeast, of which put two quarts of ale, or, if you cannot get it, of small-beer yeast. Mix it thoroughly and often.

On the First of that Month he grew dull; On the Second, appeared drowsy; On the Third, fell a yawning; On the Fourth, began to nod; On the Fifth, dropped asleep; On the Sixth, was heard to snore; On the Seventh, turned himself in his Bed; On the Eighth, recovered his former Posture; On the Ninth fell a stretching; On the Tenth about Midnight, awaked; On the Eleventh in the Morning called for a little Small-Beer.

He has a nose of his own, which he keeps tolerably exalted; he does not think small-beer of himself, madam; and all the time I have been with him, I never heard him ask a favour before; therefore, madam, I am sure you will oblige him.