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A hand drew aside the curtain that partitioned the car, and a middle-aged, faded woman holding a knife and a half-peeled potato looked in and said: "Alviry, are you right busy?" "I'm reading the home paper, ma. What do you think! that pale, tow-headed Matilda Price got the most votes in the News for the prettiest girl in Gallipo lees." "Shush! She wouldn't of done it if you'd been home, Alviry.

"I won't neither cut nothin' out! An' you make me sick too, you gol darn fool!" "For the love of Mike, quit your babbling! Sssh!" "Don't you shush me, gol darn it!" cried Uncle Henry, crumpling the newspaper in his hand and throwing it on the floor. The heat was affecting him. "I've kep' still long enough, an' " "Oh, have you?" Gilbert smiled. " an' I'm goin' to find out what's what!"

"If your aunt for a moment thought that there were any insects in that dog, she would be ill." "But I'm sure that there are some in his coat, uncle," I said, "for if you watch him when he's lying on the hearth-rug to-night, every now and then he jumps up and snaps at them, and bites the place." "Shush! yes, my boy," he whispered; "but don't talk about it. Your aunt is so particular.

Barbara laughed delightedly. "Didn't I put down all our shallow wells? If I didn't, I thought I did. Anyhow, I spent most of my time around the rigs and Pete used to call me his boss. Well, that wretched man turned all colors when I accused him, and tried to 'shush' me. He said I mustn't talk about things I knew nothing about somebody might overhear me.

Then he took another bottle and said some more: "One bottle of this medicine is worth five dollahs. Who would not give a paltry five dollahs for to be cured of his miseries? But ladees and gents, because I was once born in your beautiful ceety I will sell " "Why, he even forgot its name," whispered Jehosophat. "Shush," whispered the Toyman right back at him, "don't give him away."

A hand drew aside the curtain that partitioned the car, and a middle- aged, faded woman holding a knife and a half-peeled potato looked in and said: "Alviry, are you right busy?" "I'm reading the home paper, ma. What do you think! that pale, tow- headed Matilda Price got the most votes in the /News/ for the prettiest girl in Gallipo /lees/." "Shush!

"You didn't rub the earth and dead leaves in his coat then, Nat?" said my uncle. "Oh no!" I said; "he throws himself on his side and pushes himself along, rubs his head on the ground, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other. I think it's because he has got f " "Shush! Hush! my dear boy," cried my uncle, clapping his hand over my lips.

The overture of Tannhaeuser is a chef-d'oeuvre; there is a swing, a sway, and a shush that carries you off your feet.... I wish I had composed it myself." Auber is a true Parisian, adores his Paris, and never leaves it even during the summer, when Paris is insufferable. He comes very often to see me, and we play duets.

Now what I want to know is, are you an' the others prepared to join me, if I manage to cut your cords an' give you weapons, an' " "Shush! clap a stopper on your mouth, cappen," said Grummidge in an undertone, "the redskins are listening." "An' what then? They know no more about English than I know about Timbuctoosh," returned the captain irascibly. "Let 'em listen!

"What's wrong, my girl?" asked the captain anxiously. "You've no cause for fear. I just looked in to ." "That voice!" exclaimed Kathleen, with something of awe in her tones "Oh! I've heard it so often in my dreams." "Hush! shush! my girl," said the captain in a low tone, looking anxiously round at the wounded man.