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In less time than it takes to tell it she stood outside their prison, and saying, encouragingly: "Don't give up, girls; I'll soon have you out," she slipped into the sewing-room opposite, and emerged a second later with the little oil-can and screw-driver from the machine drawer. "For gracious sake, what are you going to do?" whispered Cicely, who had come with her to help if possible.

When a Persian king was directed by his wise men to wear the shirt of a contented man, the only contented man in the kingdom had no shirt. The most contented man in Boston does not live on Commonwealth avenue or do business on State street: he is poor and blind, and he peddles needles and thread, buttons and sewing-room supplies, about the streets of Boston from house to house. Dr.

After breakfast, therefore, Billy said decisively: "Now, if you please, Miss Greggory, I'm going to put you up-stairs on the couch in the sewing-room for a nap." "But I've just got up," remonstrated Miss Greggory. "I know you have," smiled Billy; "but you were very late to bed last night, and you've got a hard day before you. I insist upon your resting.

Next, the voices of Phillida and Vere drifted from above. To have Phillida find me there in her sewing-room, finishing an all-night vigil, involved too many explanations. I did an unwise thing. From the lowest shelf of the bookcase I gathered such books as were readable by my knowledge, and carried the armful up to my room.

Le Moyne found her on the couch in the transformed sewing-room, and gave her a quick glance of apprehension. She was propped up high with pillows, with a bottle of aromatic ammonia beside her. "Just short of breath," she panted. "I I must get down. Sidney is coming home to supper; and the others Palmer and " That was as far as she got. K., watch in hand, found her pulse thin, stringy, irregular.

She made a feint of eating, to avoid attracting attention, and then returned to the sewing-room, the air of which, as she re-entered, seemed colder than that of the hall and dining-room. The stitch in her side was not so bad during the afternoon; but the dull pain was heavier, and accompanied by a sickening sensation.

But now she was ushered up the majestic stair, and from the majestic upper hall abruptly into a wild little cluttered sewing-room, and thence into a wilder but more spacious bedroom, large curtains at the windows, large roses on the carpet, and over all objects in the room a clutter of miscellaneous articles, as if Ella's band-boxes, bureaus, and work-baskets habitually refused to contain themselves.

Reading and writing and arithmetic and the Bible; and then, as soon as they were old enough, they were turned into the sewing-room, where they were taught dressmaking, or into the laundry, where they learned to do fine laundry-work. All this sounded just and good, and I began to alter my opinion of the place. I even began to think that perhaps Mrs.

Immediately behind him, by simply turning his head, he could see through the bath room, across the landing at the top of the rear stairs, and into the small sewing-room beyond. To right and left east and west the corridor extended the width of the house, and an intruder could have gained access to any of the rooms only by passing the watcher.

"Why," says she, "there is one; the room you're in is the old sewing-room." "Oh," said I; "and where did the other lady's maid sleep?" At that she grew confused, and said hurriedly that the servants' rooms had all been changed about last year, and she didn't rightly remember.