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Up behind her crowded Tom Gulick, Hiram Hooker, Heine Schultz, and Jim McAllen, and, if looks could have killed, the man with the gun would have been ripe for the undertaker's care. "Two dollars! You mean " "A dollar a head, then, ma'am. You got fifty-six animals. That 'u'd be fifty-six dollars, wouldn't it?" He smiled persuasively.

He taught me English that's why it's as good as it is. His name" She was carried away by the desire to blow out that questioning light in Robin's eyes "his name is Schultz." The vicar bowed slightly, and Robin asked with an air of great politeness but still with that light in his eyes if he were to address her, then, as Miss Schultz. "I'm afraid so," said Priscilla, regretfully.

"I thought you were the Schultz gone mad!" he murmured. "Gott! What an actress you are!" A laugh came to him out of the darkness. "You are no bird," said Ritter, "You are a Walküre born. Take the helmet again and the spear. As you stood in the shadow, gazing downward, you were like a young warrior watching his shield."

I used to be in the State Cavalry. You ought to have seen how sore all those Iowa Germans were on me for going," he laughed. "Had a hell of row with a guy named Schultz." Limping slightly, an enormous, grizzled man approached us and sat down by the side of the ex-machinist.

I did not like to say what I truly thought, and felt, so I made an evasive answer." "I know old Schultz and his school teach a lot of nonsense on that point," said Mr. Wilson, scornfully, "although none of them truly believe what they say.

In the early days of wire this was what happened, and Mr. Longridge, who invented the system, was compelled to abandon it. Lately, methods have been devised in France, by M. Schultz; at Elswick, by Sir W.G. Armstrong & Co.; and at Woolwich, by ourselves, for getting end strength with wire guns.

Among other writers of this period may be named Hans H. Schultz, N. Ostgaard, Harald Meltzer, M.B. Landstad, and the linguist Sophus Bugge. The efforts to bring out the national life and characteristics of the people in literature also led to an attempt to nationalize the language in which the literature was written.

The only reason I keep it up is because there is good money in it more money than I could make with the same amount of effort in any other department of business. I do not like to approach strangers. I have to lash myself into it every morning of my working life, and it is very hard for me to be friendly with customers about whom I care nothing personally." "What about Peter Schultz?" we asked.

"As old Schultz, the father, was one day looking in the cane-brakes for his cattle, he came upon the track of horses. He knew they were none of his, and that none of his neighbors had horses about that place. They must be stray horses; or must belong to some traveler who had lost his way, as the track led nowhere.

As the years went by, the parents saw he was not big enough to work, but hope was not dead they would make a preacher of him! To this end he was sent to the "Fredericianium," a graded school of no mean quality. The master of this school was a worthy clergyman by the name of Schultz, who was attracted to the Kant boy, it seems, on account of his insignificant size.