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Don't be afraid of the water, lazybones!" And for no reason at all except the joke of it, because the prospect of the soup made him gay and sportive, he tossed the stone along with the meat into the kettle filled with water. "That's what will give the bouillon a flavor! Ah, you didn't know that, sacree andouille! You shall have the pope's nose; you'll see how tender it is."

Then suddenly, bewildering in its unexpectedness, came the flash and crack of a rifle from the bushes in shore. "Sacree!" cried the half-breed, and the next moment three rifles spoke, and he pitched over in the snow, whilst the man at the gee-pole also fell. The man breaking the trail in front, swerved from the bluff, and the dogs swerved after him, almost upsetting the sledge.

And the plant owes this width of celebrity to a combination of natural qualities so remarkable as to yield great diversities of good and evil fame. It was first heralded as a medical panacea, "the most sovereign and precious weed that ever the earth tendered to the use of man," and was seldom mentioned, in the sixteenth century, without some reverential epithet. It was a plant divine, a canonized vegetable. Each nation had its own pious name to bestow upon it. The French called it herbe sainte, herbe sacrée, herbe propre

In 1873 he conducted special performances of Bach and Händel, given by the Societé de l'Harmonie sacrée. After leaving the conductorship of the Opera, he inaugurated, on 21 October, 1881, at the Château-d'Eau theatre, the Société des Nouveaux Concerts. These concerts had at first very comprehensive programmes of every kind of music and every kind of school.

Lorraine is ardently Catholic, as we all know, and her old Catholic families are not the natural friends of the Republican régime. But President Poincaré's happy phrase, l'union sacrée describing the fusion of all parties, classes, and creeds in the war service of France, has nowhere found a stronger echo than in Lorraine.

Moscou, la capitale asiatique de ce grand empire, la ville sacree des peuples d'Alexandre, Moscou avec ses innombrables eglises en forme de pagodes chinoises, * this Moscow gave Napoleon's imagination no rest. On the march from Vyazma to Tsarevo-Zaymishche he rode his light bay bobtailed ambler accompanied by his Guards, his bodyguard, his pages, and aides-de-camp.

Already by 1910 two tendencies are visibly distinct; but up to 1914, though there is divergence, there is, I think, no antipathy between them of antipathies between individuals I say nothing. Solidarity was imposed on the young generation by the virulent and not over scrupulous hostility of the old; it was l'union sacrée in face of the enemy.

Sir George Cartier, too, powerful in the Cabinet and salaried solicitor of the Grand Trunk, was a stumbling-block; he declared himself emphatically opposed to control by any 'sacrée compagnie américaine. But Sir Hugh, believing much in money and little in men, resolved to buy his way through. He soon started a backfire in Quebec which brought Cartier to terms.

The French detachment were merely sailors belonging to what they call their Compagnies de debarquement, and they were all brushing each other down and cursing the sacree poussiere. Such a leading motif has this Peking dust become that the very sailors notice it. Also we found two priests from Monseigneur F 's Cathedral, sitting in the garden and patiently waiting for the Minister's return.

"Chère enfant, chère enfant, forgive an old papa qui t'a fait bobo and you are actually going to marry my Théo?" "I am." "Then," with a solemnity that was as overwhelming as his joy, he returned, bowing his head as if in church, "il a une sacrée chance. He is the luckiest boy in the world." Brigit had forgotten what boredom meant.