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There is a strike, a fight, an explosion, and our artistic tramp finds himself on the sidewalk. He goes away damning everybody. In two years, or less, he comes back, penitent. Old scores are forgotten, several of the enemy are dead, others have passed on into circulation, and the artistic roustabout is given a desk or a case.

Baker," he said finally, "I am bound to respect any wish you may suggest, but I declare I can't understand you." "Don't try to," advised the roustabout in a dreary way. "I'm not worth it." "Oh, yes, you are." "And it wouldn't do any good." "It might.

What about this Effie, Barzilla?" "Now look here!" protested Stitt. "Shut up, Bailey! Who was Effie, Barzilla?" "She was third assistant roustabout and table girl at the Old Home House," said Wingate triumphantly. "Got another cigar, Sol? Thanks. Yes, this Effie had never worked out afore and she was greener'n a mess of spinach; but she was kind of pretty to look at and "

They usually have some shells on hand for the rifles, but the paper cases o' the shotgun cartridges suck up the damp an' they keep better in the magazine in the cabin. What they shootin' at? Bottles?" Sandy, the roustabout, had been requisitioned to toss up empty bottles, and those who failed cursed him for a poor thrower.

The door had been left open, and the room hummed with flies. Brown shut the door and, while waiting for the water to heat, separated a dozen sheets of the sticky fly paper and placed them in conspicuous places. He wondered as he did so what some of his former acquaintances would say if they could see him. He HE a cook, and a roustabout, a dishwasher and a scrubber of brass at Eastboro Twin-Lights!

Brady of the Bender bar preferred to be called, doused the glasses into a tub, turned them over to his roustabout, and polished the cherrywood moodily. Then he drew his eyebrows down and scowled at the little man in the corner.

Without a word Burr stepped lightly in front of the impudent roustabout, and, delivering a blow, with the dexterity of an expert boxer, knocked him into the river, amid the jeers of his associates, and of the concourse assembled on the shore to see the boat off. This prompt stroke of executive policy had a salutary effect.

Speaking with careful forethought and with a definite object in view, he said: "Miss Standish. I do not ask pardon for the way I spoke to you just now. And when you've heard why you won't blame me. I want to tell you just what happened to me today from the time I set foot on Roustabout Key. until I boarded this boat of yours.

To my shamed surprise, this roustabout wit drew a nervous, silvery giggle from her; and that completed the work with Mr. Percy, whose face grew scarlet with anger. "You're a hot one, you are!" he sneered, with shocking bitterness. "You're quite the teaser, ain't ye, s'long's yer lady-friend is lukkin' on! I guess they'll be a few surprises comin' YOUR way, before long.

With the roustabout crew that had been shipped in New York from a West Street boarding-master it took some time to get the anchor broken out the men going at their work sulkily. At last, however, it was "up and down" as the sailors say, and Luther Barr himself signaled on the engine-room telegraph "Full speed, ahead."