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Don't suppose Rone and Ted will be in till all hours. Yep, funny kind of a day; not terribly warm but yet Gosh, I'd like Some day I'm going to take a long motor trip." "Yes, we'd enjoy that," she yawned. He looked away from her as he realized that he did not wish to have her go with him.

As soon as he entered the city, he adopted a policy which deceived everybody except Cato; and this was the bringing about of a reconciliation between Pompeius and Crassus, the two most powerful men in Rone, whom Cæsar reconciled from their differences, and centering in himself the united strength of the two by an act that had a friendly appearance, changed the form of government without its being observed.

"TED! Some way MUST be found to make you understand how dreadfully SERIOUS this is, instead of standing AROUND with that silly foolish SMILE on your face!" He began to revolt. "Gee whittakers, Rone, you got married yourself, didn't you?" "That's entirely different." "You bet it is! They didn't have to work on Eu and me with a chain and tackle to get us to hold hands!"

But Verona was irritating. "Dad," she worried, "how do you know that public ownership of utilities and so on and so forth will always be a failure?" Mrs. Babbitt reproved, "Rone, I should think you could see and realize that when your father's all worn out with orating, it's no time to expect him to explain these complicated subjects. I'm sure when he's rested he'll be glad to explain it to you.

The Spanish and Walloon troops, led on by Rone, a distinguished officer, carried the first defences: after nine days of siege the place was forced to surrender; and in a few more the citadel followed the example.

"Steer her, out of the current, man," said the lieutenant to the coxswain; the man put the tiller to port as he was ordered. "Vat you do soch a ting for, Mr Capitain Lieutenant?" said the emissary. 'Oh! you not pershave you are rone in order de igh bank! How you sall satisfy me no France infanterie legere dere, too, more as in de fort, eh? How you sall satisfy me, Mister Capitain Lieutenant, eh?"

I swear, sometimes I feel like taking Ken aside and putting him over the jumps and saying to him, 'Young fella me lad, are you going to marry young Rone, or are you going to talk her to death? Here you are getting on toward thirty, and you're only making twenty or twenty-five a week. When you going to develop a sense of responsibility and get a raise?

But me, I certainly hand it to these magazines. They've brought ole George F. Babbitt into camp, and that's the answer to the critics! "The more manly and practical a fellow is, the more he ought to lead the enterprising Christian life. Me for it! Cut out this carelessness and boozing and Rone! Where the devil you been? This is a fine time o' night to be coming in!"

What do you let the girl chop the toast up into these dinky little chunks for? Can't get your fist onto 'em. Half cold, anyway!" Ted Babbitt, junior in the great East Side High School, had been making hiccup-like sounds of interruption. He blurted now, "Say, Rone, you going to " Verona whirled. "Ted! Will you kindly not interrupt us when we're talking about serious matters!"

There is a lonely grave up in the hills that of the stranger who died long ago on Rattleroad. One day I found old Kate sitting beside it and on a stone lately erected there was the name, Enoch Rone. "It is very sorrowful," she whispered. "He was trying to find me when he died." We walked on in silence while I recalled the circumstances.