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"Now, Kenny," commanded Kreiling, nibbling cheese and rye bread, "play." Kenny sullenly obeyed. After the first effort, something rebellious touched his sullen mood to fire and he played fragments of the Second Rhapsodic with madness in his touch. Sid, aware of it, stared in round-eyed apprehension at his back. "He's just in the mood again for rocketing," he decided.

Quite like an anarchist he was. Presently he quieted. After a long pull at his pipe he regarded me with an entire change of manner. Well I knew something was coming; coming swift as a rocketing woodcock. Word for word I put down our incredible speeches: "You are going out to America, Ruggles." "Yes, sir; North or South, sir?"

She looked at the belching smoke and the rocketing flames and listened to the roar of it all, fascinated. "How terrible," she cried, "and how beautiful." "The Inferno!" said Stane. "I've seen it before." "And you wanted me to leave you to that?" she cried. "Pardon me, no! I did not want you to be caught in it, that is all! Listen!"

But when Adair, for the healing of wounds, had thrust a bank-note into the hand of the Wicklow man, and the special was once more on its unhindered way westward, the sun had fairly topped the eastern range, and Johnson, the porter of the "01," was shouting across the rocketing tender that breakfast was served.

After the Kid had gone rocketing back to the betting ring, Curry turned to Jockey Moseby Jones. "Mose," said he, "don't lay too far out of it to-day. This grey hoss lasts pretty well, so begin workin' on 'Lisha sooner than usual. He's ready to stand a long, hard drive. Bring him home in front, boy!" "Sutny will!" chuckled the little negro. "At's bes' thing I do!"

In a matter of seconds the four spacemen were rocketing over the jungle toward the Polaris. Presently they came to an enormous dust cloud that had mushroomed out over the trees. It was so thick Tom found it difficult to pilot the small craft. "Any danger of radioactivity in this dust, sir?" asked Astro. "Always that possibility, Astro," answered Connel. "We'll know soon enough!"

All was motionless and silent as a stereoscopic picture; the rocketing palms bursting into sprays of emerald green, the n'sambyas with their trumpet-like yellow blossoms, the fern fronds reduplicating themselves in the water's glass, all and each lent their motionless beauty to the completion of the perfect picture.

This last is sure to stand by the old gentleman, right or wrong, likes nothing so much as a rocketing, roistering life, and is ready at a wink or nod to out sabre and flourish it over the orator's head if he dares to array himself against parental authority. These family dissensions, as usual, have got abroad, and are rare food for scandal in John's neighborhood.

Life has joys for all men, but, I verily believe, it has no joy to compare to that of the moderate shot and earnest sportsman when he has just killed half a dozen driven partridges without a miss, or ten rocketing pheasants with eleven cartridges, or, better still, a couple of woodcock right and left.

Within half an hour they had run into a heavy overcast, and for a long time it was like flying through very wet, cold cotton. David glanced down, hoping to see the fog thin out. Suddenly he caught sight of a black object rocketing up toward them. Before he could call out a warning, the thing hurtled by, so close that its backwash very nearly knocked him from the bird's back.