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And he sang his latest favorite, with the gang supping his mixture between the stanzas: "Oh, hove flat down on Quero Banks Was the Bounding Billow, Captain Hanks, And the way she was a-settlin' was an awful sight to see" Then Wesley Marrs sang a song and after him Patsie Oddie followed with a roarer.

One of them, the notorious Mike Fink, known as "the Snag" on the Mississippi and as the "Snapping Turtle" on the Ohio, has left the record, not that he could load a keel boat in a certain length of time, or lift a barrel of whiskey with one arm, or that no tumultuous current had ever compelled him to back water, but that he could "out-run, out-hop, out-jump, throw down, drag out, and lick any man in the country," and that he was "a Salt River roarer."

Ain't he got passion? Ain't he a splendid roarer? Oh!" and she went off rapturously into baby-language. A fine boy, certainly. Mrs. Berry exhibited his legs for further proof, desiring Austin's confirmation as to their being dumplings. Lucy murmured a word of excuse, and bore the splendid roarer out of the room. "She might a done it here," said Mrs. Berry. "There's no prettier sight, I say.

We had quite a number of professional gamblers, who, I am bound to say, usually made good soldiers. One, who was almost abnormally quiet and gentle, was called "Hell Roarer"; while another, who in point of language and deportment was his exact antithesis, was christened "Prayerful James."

He was dully honest and clumsily paternal. But he was a roarer, a grumbler; he bawled and ordained, in order to encourage industry and keep his lambs from asking for "raises."

We'll build a roarer, then we can start a smaller one for cooking." "I won't be sorry to eat a square meal," chuckled Jane. "Nor I," agreed Margery, "I haven't eaten a square meal for ages." "Be careful, girls. Don't stand so close to the fire. You will burn your skirts," warned Miss Elting. "You will have holes in them almost before you realize it."

What an experience it would be today to rouse one of those remarkable individuals from his dreaming, as Davy Crockett did, with an oar, and hear him howl "Halloe stranger, who axed you to crack my lice?" to tell him in his own lingo to "shut his mouth or he would get his teeth sunburnt" to see him crook his neck and neigh like a stallion to answer his challenge in kind with a flapping of arms and a cock's crow to go to shore and have a scrimmage such as was never known on a gridiron and then to resolve with Crockett, during a period of recuperation, that you would never "wake up a ringtailed roarer with an oar again."

"Well, that's cheeky," said Joshua, aghast at the man's impudence. "Why, I know you as well as if we'd been to school together. You are the Rip-tail Roarer. You are from Pike County, Missouri, you are. You can whip your weight in wildcats. That's he, gentlemen. I leave it to you."

We do not learn, however, that women in Zuni are forbidden to look upon the bull-roarer. Finally, the South African evidence, which is supplied by letters from a correspondent of Mr. Tylor's, proves that in South Africa, too, the bull- roarer is employed to call the men to the celebration of secret functions.

They now, however, began to feel for the scent; and, as they got upon the cold, bleak grounds above Somerton Quarries, they were fairly brought to their noses. Uncommon glad I was to see them; for ten minutes more, at the pace they had been going, would have shaken off every man Jack of us. As it was, it was bellows to mend; and Calcott's roarer roared as surely roarer never roared before.