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Again did the saddle boys build a small fire in a hole, over which they proceeded to cook their breakfast; while the horses cropped the grass near by, secured by the ever useful lariats, or riatas. "There's where this leads into a big gully," remarked Bob, later on, pointing as he spoke to where the ground became broken.

Also there will be the riding of bulls; and the prize for the most skillful rider will be a silver-mounted quirto of beautiful design. "Immediately after these various contests" Dade could see the tensing of interest among his listeners then "there will be a contest with riatas between Don José Pacheco and Señor Jack Allen, an Americano vaquero from Texas.

"Yet I know that there will be a duelo," he comforted himself with thinking, as he limped wearily across the patio. Never have I seen them so dark: like the bay when a storm is riding upon the wind. And it will be riatas for so Manuel told me. Me, I will wager my saddle upon the Señor Jack, even though riatas be the weapons.

No, no for then José would surely be killed! Gracias, Señor! With riatas my José can surely give good account of himself. Three times has he won the medalla oro in fair contest. He is a wizard with the rawhide. Myself, I have wept with pride to see him throw it at the fiestas " "Mother mine, Margarita would have you come at once," the señorita interrupted her.

I do not mean your going, Señor. That would but limber the tongue of scandal; and besides, I do not mean that I withdraw my friendship from you. A man must be narrow, indeed, if he cannot carry more than one friendship in his soul. "Sit you down, Señor, while I think a moment," he urged. "Surely it can be arranged without hurt to the fair name of of any. Riatas ah, now I have it, Señor!

I've got nerves worse than any old woman. I know you'll come out on top. You always do. But what'n hell made you say riatas?" "What'n hell made you brag about me to Manuel?" Jack came back instantly, and was sorry for it when he saw how Dade winced. "Honest, I'm not a bit scared. I know what I can do, and I'm not worrying." "You are. I never saw you so queer as you have been since I came back.

As a child she had witnessed the ceremony when her father, the Whirlwind, was proclaimed Chief of the nation. Without pausing, they came trailing across the valley in two separate columns, thousands of horsemen and women, the men on the right hand, the women on the left; all riding bareback with simple riatas twisted around the horse's lower jaw.

The patron himself has proclaimed the grand fiesta, such as they have in Monterey, only this will be greater; and then those two will fight their duelo with riatas, yes; but not to the death, Señor. The patron himself has declared it. For the medalla oro and also for a prize will they fight; and the prize what think you, Señor?"

Some hid themselves cunningly in the mesquite clumps or burrowed into the coarse sagauista grass. But now those swarthy, dare-devil riders were as gentle as women; they urged the tiny youngsters onward with harmless switches or with painless blows from loose-coiled riatas; they picked them up in their arms and rode with them.

Upon meeting" he stopped long enough for a quick smile "they will try what they can do. If both miss, they will coil their riatas and hang them from the horn, and ride on to the end; there they will dismount and wait for the second signal for starting. "They will repeat these maneuvers until the contest is decided, one way or the other, but at no time will they start before the signal is given.