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I sees so many sick and dying folks that you'd think I was obliged to look at things unnatural-like. But I don't, not me, ma'am. It ain't all that way, with nothing but waiting and wanting, and then disappointment. Even Maggie had her good times somewhere in the past. You can't expect to be always dressed in spangles and riding bareback, that's what I used to say to her.

Jim, the stable-boy, answered immediately, but seemed unable to comprehend the unseemly haste, as Jane dashed in, loosened the headstall of her intelligent mount, led him to the path and then sprang up bareback to overtake the runaways. Jim stood speechless. That a student should romp off like that in bloomers too and without a hat! And how she was a-going it!

The expression of his countenance contributed more than his words to the humor he strove for, and she laughed at him, merrily with her mouth, very tenderly with her eyes. "There's the house." She pointed ahead. "Even though I'm riding bareback, I can beat you to it. Come on!"

"You want to keep a bright lookout for a young fellow in his stocking feet, riding a bareback roan colt," said the Emergency man, in conclusion. "If you fall in with such a chap, you will make something by bringing him to Pilot Knob settlement and asking for Mr. Westall." "I'll keep them words in mind," replied the native, urging the mule forward by digging him in the ribs with his boot heels.

Once, when we were at home alone and talking about "endless work and aching bones," as we had heard grown-up folks complain of theirs, we were interrupted by a bareback rider who did not "tie up" under the live oak, but came to the shade of the white oak in front of us at the kitchen door. After a cheery "Howdy do" and a hand shake, he exclaimed,

You wait till you see the bareback riding and the 'acrobatic exercises," said Ben, quoting from the play-bill, with the air of one who knew all about the feats to come, and could never be surprised any more. "What are 'crowbackic exercises'?" asked Billy, thirsting for information.

The ground was soft, and I was not much bruised; but when I rose the nag had disappeared round a corner, and I was left alone in the African twilight. Presently a sinewy fiery-eyed Moor came with panther-step in sight leading me back the nag. He had a basket of oranges on his back, and gave me one with a respectful salaam as I vaulted on my Arab steed and galloped Tangier-ward bareback.

He found that the women were rather nervous, for they had heard of the fate of the last circus; but they, too, were encouraged by his cool and easy manner and the few words of cheer which seemed to come so easily to him. The early turns went well, especially those of Isabel, Alice, and Sidcup. Sidcup's was followed by an exhibition of bareback riding by two men.

"Fat ain't allowed in our profession, ma'am. The thinner the better for tight-ropes and tumblin'; likewise bareback ridin' and spry jugglin'. Muscle's the thing, and there you are." Ben stretched out a wiry little arm with a clenched fist at the end of it, as if he were a young Hercules, ready to play ball with the stove if she gave him leave.

Men crowded round him, all gazing in the direction of his hand, all talking at once. "Jesse Smith's hoss, I swear!" shouted the tall man. "Kells, come out here!" Kells appeared, dark and eager, at the door, and nimbly he leaped to the excited group. Pearce and Wood and others followed. "What's up?" called the bandit. "Hello! Who's that riding bareback?" "He's shore cuttin' the wind," said Wood.