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I've only been away three days altogether, but it seems about a year." Gertrude smiled and shook her head. "Why don't you sell out?" she asked. "Or would no one buy? I presume that's it." "No-o, that ain't it. I don't wonder you think so, but it ain't. Cohen the fellow that owns the Emporium was in only the day afore we left, hintin' around about my retirin' and so on.

Only when the disease is retirin, the remissions become longer, the paroxysms return at a greater interval, and just the revairse when the pashint is to die. Now, jintlemen, isn't this a beautiful Therey?" "Oh, mercy! Oh, good people help me! Oh, Jesus Christ have pity on me!" And the sufferer's body was bent like a bow, and his eyes filled with horror, and his toes pointed at his chin.

"Perfectly absurd!" snorts Auntie, retirin' haughty to the bay window. "Disqualified!" says I, under my breath. "Might as well go the limit, Snoodlekins. We'll have to grow up in our own crude way." That was the state of affairs when this Mrs. Proctor Butt comes crashin' in on the scene of our strained domestic relations. Trust her to appear at just the wrong time. Mrs.

By this time Sonora had recovered from his astonishment. After giving vent to a grunt expressive of his contempt, he blurted out: "That fellow's too flip!" But the idea had taken hold of the Girl, though she temporised shyly: "Oh, I dunno! Makes me feel kind o' foolish, you know, kind o' retirin' like a elk in summer." Johnson smiled in spite of himself.

It myde me sick to see them Bengalesey, some of 'em 'ookin' it to Suakim, some of 'em retirin' on the seraphim, which is another name for Berkshires. It ain't no sweet levee a-tryin' to rally 'eathen 'ands to do their dooty. So we 'ad to cover 'em back into the zeriba of the seraphim which is our glorious selves.

So when it's a question of whether Auntie should be allowed to settle down for the spring in an apartment hotel in town, or be urged to stop with us until Bar Harbor opened for the season, I was all for the modest, retirin' stuff. "She might think she had to come if she was asked," I suggests to Vee. "And if she turned us down we'd have to look disappointed and that might make her feel bad."

'I always was, he says, 'too retirin' f'r me own good, he says. 'Spin out th' r-rest, he says, 'to make about six thousan' wurruds, he says, 'but be sure don't write annything too hot about th' Boer war or th' Ph'lippeens or Chiny, or th' tariff, or th' goold question, or our relations with England, or th' civil sarvice, he says.

Some folks might have been flattered at bein' took for such a famous character; but I wa'n't; I'm retirin' by nature, and besides, Ez's description wa'n't cal'lated to bust a body's vanity b'iler.

She won't go out with a young man till she knows he comes from nice people." Miss Sternberger patted the back of her hand against her mouth and stifled a yawn. "One thing I must say for my Bella no matter where I take that goil, everybody says what a nice, retirin' goil she is!" "Bella does retire rather early," agreed Miss Sternberger in tones drippingly sweet.

If I'D been runnin' that kind of a place, the only time I'd felt shy and retirin' was when the landlord came for the rent. "One of the fo'mast hands hired girls, I mean went aloft to fetch Mrs. Holden, and when Grace came down she was just as nice and folksy and glad to see us as a body could be. But she looked sort of troubled, just the same.