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Then one of the vicious brutes rolled his eyes, frothed at the mouth, shuddered and leaped in his harness, vented a hoarse howl and fell back shaking and retching. "My God! Rea!" cried Jones in horror. "Come here! Look! That dog is dying of rabies! Hydrophobia! The white wolves have hydrophobia!" "If you ain't right!" exclaimed Rea. "I seen a dog die of thet onct, an' he acted like this.

It came on the cold wind, the same haunting mourn, dreadful in its significance. Absence of fire inspirited the wary wolves. Out of the pale gloom gaunt white forms emerged, agile and stealthy, slipping on velvet-padded feet, closer, closer, closer. The dogs wailed in terror. "Into the tepee!" yelled Rea. Jones plunged in after his comrade.

"Have you any shots left for the 45-90, besides what's in the magazine?" asked Rea. "Yes, a good handful." "Well, get busy." With careful aim Jones emptied the magazine into the gray, gliding, groping mass. The same rustling, shuffling, almost silent strife ensued. "Rea, there's something uncanny about those brutes. A silent pack of wolves!" "Ho! Ho!" rolled the giant's answer through the woods.

We also need for the sixties if we are to bequeath our full national estate to our heirs a new long-range conservation and recreation program expansion of our superb national parks and forests preservation of our authentic wilderness areas new starts on water and power projects as our population steadily increases and expanded REA generation and transmission loans.

He heard the crash of the ax; he saw one wolf go down and the other slip under the swinging weapon to grasp the giant's hip. Jones's heard the rend of cloth, and then he pounced like a cat, to drive his knife into the body of the beast. Another nimble foe lunged at Rea, to sprawl broken and limp from the iron. It was a silent fight.

Have I done right or wrong? Whether I shall have rea- son to regret my determination is a problem to be solved in the future. However, I will begin to record the incidents of our daily experience, dubious as I feel whether the lines of my chronicle will ever find a reader. John Silas Huntly, the captain of the Chancellor, has the reputation of being a most experienced navigator of the Atlantic.

Rea, inordinate and inveterate smoker, had puffed away all the weed in clouds of white, then had relapsed into gloom. At last the marvel in the north dimmed, the obscure gray shade lifted, the hope in the south brightened, and the mercury climbed reluctantly, with a tyrant's hate to relinquish power. Spring weather at twenty-five below zero!

Then to risk being bitten by one of the poisoned, maddened brutes, to risk the most horrible of agonizing deaths that was even worse. "Rea, we've one chance," cried Jones, with pale face. "Can you hold the dogs, one by one, while muzzle them?" "Ho! Ho!" replied the giant. Placing his bowie knife between his teeth, with gloved hands he seized and dragged one of the dogs to the campfire.

He secured a dozen of the large-boned, white and black Indian dogs, huskies, Rea called them two long sleds with harness and several pairs of snowshoes. This trade made Jones rub his hands in satisfaction, for during all the long journey north he had failed to barter for such cardinal necessities to the success of his venture. "Better have doled out the grub to them in rations," grumbled Rea.

In like manner the old harlot might have conjured up the devil before Rea, who did not perceive that it was not the young lord, but Satan, who had put on that shape in order to seduce her; for as Rea was a fair woman, none could wonder that the devil gave himself more trouble for her than for an old withered hag, seeing he has ever sought after fair women to lie with them.