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The Chinaman cook, who was a sporting character, said: "Wha for, nother raffle, all ri, put me down one pund." He refused, however, to give the money when he learnt it was for a church. When the clergyman was leaving, we decided to present him with a purse of sovereigns in Campbell's house, and I was deputed to hand it to him.

As regarded the cigar, it may be said that both Sir Raffle and Mr Kissing had given orders that on no account should cigars be lit within the precincts of the Income-tax Office. Mr Eames had taken upon himself to understand that such orders did not apply to a private secretary, and was well aware that Sir Raffle knew his habit.

"But I say, oh, yes. We are deuced lucky to have such a man, and so I told the commissioners." "I'm sure I'm very much obliged to you." "I've known it all along, before you left even. Sir Raffle Buffle had told me he was to go to the Income-tax Office. The chair is two thousand there, you know; and I had been promised the first seat at the Board." "Ah; I wish I'd known," said Crosbie.

They did it somehow, hanging on to the mast-hoops, buffeted and now and then enveloped by the madly flogging canvas, floundering below amidst a raffle of fallen gear, while the bitter spray lashed them, and the broken boom held up by the clew ring banged savagely to and fro.

After that John made his way into the august presence of Sir Raffle, and found that great man putting on his shoes in the presence of FitzHoward. FitzHoward blushed; but the shoes had not been touched by him, as he took occasion afterwards to inform John Eames. Sir Raffle was all smiles and civility.

He would therefore present himself to Sir Raffle on that very afternoon, and expel some interloper from his seat. But he would first call in Burton Crescent and say farewell to the Ropers. The door was opened for him by the faithful Jemima.

He turned the hands of his clock forward till they marked twenty-five minutes to one, and said, "Now see if you can't keep right for a while else I'll raffle you!" He sat down at the desk again, and said, "Aunt Susan!" "Yes, dear." "Had breakfast?" "Yes, indeed, an hour ago." "Busy?" "No except sewing. Why?" "Got any company?" "No, but I expect some at half past nine." "I wish I did. I'm lonesome.

Their wages was on a table forninst a big, fine, red buck av a man sivun fut high, four fut wide, an' three fut thick, wid a fist on him like a corn-sack. He was payin' the coolies fair an' easy, but he wud ask each man if he wud raffle that month, an' each man sez? "Yes," av course.

But Sir Raffle was not there, and then Johnny began to abuse Sir Raffle. "If I ever come here early to meet him again, because he says he means to be here himself, I hope I may be blessed." On that especial morning it was twelve before Sir Raffle made his appearance, and Johnny avenged himself, I regret to have to tell it, by a fib.

Then Sir Raffle explained that John Eames was his private secretary, and that Johnny's journey to the Continent had been made with, and could not have been made without, his sanction. "When I came to hear the story, of course I told him that he must go. 'Eames, I said, 'take the advice of a man who knows the world. Circumstanced as you are, you are bound to go. And he went."