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So he dried the tears which were dropping from his eyes and forming black mud on his cheeks, and tried to keep awake till the next putter and his loaded corve should come by, or Bill Hagger should return with his empty one. Bill had not far to go to reach the crane, where the corve would be hoisted on the rolley, or wagon, to be dragged by a pony along the rolley-way to the foot of the shaft.

And she's doing a lot of good, too, in a small way." "She is, and she's happy now," declared Miss Maggie, "except that she still worries a little because she is so happy. She's dismissed the maid and does her own work I'm afraid Miss Flora never was cut out for a fine-lady life of leisure, and she loves to putter in the kitchen.

"I am afraid I have cut into your afternoon, but you will still have time for a game if you hurry." She laughed again, and moved over to the writing-table, where, among a litter of papers and writing materials, a couple of golf balls were acting as letter weights. A putter lay on the chair in front of the desk, and she took it up and swung it to and fro. "A nice club," she remarked.

The roaring putter was rushing back toward them at a speed that sounded foolishly desperate. "There's no sense in going like that," he said irritably. "I wonder what they were doing. I'll find out." He ran into the darkness and stood on the track between the rails, flashing an electric torch toward the approaching speeders. But they came on without a sign that they saw. He shouted.

There are to be but a thousand delegates to the convention, and at least two thousand men have already passed through the room and those who don't smoke have friends. It is well that Mr. Crewe has stuck to his conservative habit of not squeezing hands too hard. "Isn't that Mr. Putter, who keeps a livery-stable here?" inquired Mr.

"Durned if you don't look like a man who can handle a horse," said Mr. Putter. And as long as you're a friend of Tom Gaylord's I'll let you have her. Nobody drives that mare but me. What's your name?" "Vane." "Ain't any relation to old Hilary, be you?" "I'm his son," said Austen, "only he doesn't boast about it." "Godfrey!" exclaimed Mr. Putter, with a broad grin, "I guess you kin have her.

"I I would like to know her better," says Dudley, sort of plaintive. "Crash in, then," says I. "No opposition here." I thought I was bein' humorous; for Dudley's about as much of a lady's man as he is a heavy shot putter. I never knew of his lookin' twice at a girl before; but to-night he seems to be makin' up for lost time.

"Durned if you don't look like a man who can handle a horse," said Mr. Putter. "And as long as you're a friend of Tom Gaylord's I'll let you have her. Nobody drives that mare but me. What's your name?" "Vane." "Ain't any relation to old Hilary, be you?" "I'm his son," said Austen, "only he doesn't boast about it." "Godfrey!" exclaimed Mr. Putter, with a broad grin, "I guess you kin have her.

She loved to putter about in the overgrown garden and to slumber in the sun beside her little boy, refusing to descend to the delights of the club and Bellevue hospitality even after she had no excuse. When Irene took her to task for her dawdling by herself she gurgled contentedly, "What's the good of doing those things? Archie likes it he sees the crowd at the club that's enough for him."

Another very common mistake is to buy a complete outfit of clubs, which a beginner always improperly calls "sticks," before we really know just what shape and weight of club is best adapted to our needs. The common clubs in most players' outfits consist of a driver, brassie, cleek, iron, and putter.