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He'd heard that land-prawns had no natural enemies; he questioned that. Something killed them. He'd seen crushed prawn shells, some of them close to his camp. Maybe stamped on by something with hoofs, and then picked clean by insects. He'd ask Ben Rainsford; Ben ought to know. Half an hour later, the scanner gave him another interruption pattern. He laid it aside and took up the small vibrohammer.

Bigley's face cleared in a moment, and with a couple of splashes he was at Bob's side with one hand extended, and the other upon his school-fellow's shoulder. "It's all right," he said quickly. "Shake hands, and let's get the fish. There, I'll go for the prawn net and a basket." He ran splashing out of the water, and up over the boulders towards the cottage, leaving me and Bob together.

The Shrimp and Prawn and Lobster are relations of the Crab; these crustaceans, as they are called, are all cased up in a hard crust, which will not stretch the slightest little bit. But the Crab's body must grow! What is he to do? At first he starves himself, and so his body shrinks inside its old shell. He loosens himself as well as he can.

This strand, which is about four inches long, is delicately noosed. Standing a few feet away from the water-hole, the black so manipulates the line that the noose encircles the tail of the prawn, which, making a retrogressive dart upon alarm, finds itself fatally snared. The prawns are not, as a rule, eaten, being reserved for bait. In creeks and lagoons thin, hollow logs are submerged.

As he stood by the grille at the porter's lodge, the old Prawn himself passed slowly out, with his shoulders bent, and his old eyes staring straight before him with an absent, lack-lustre expression in them.

Unfathomable is the depth of female devotion; fancy any one being able to skin a shrimp, prawn, or walnut, and not eat it! The shrimps, the sausages, were gone, the tongue was silent for ever, but the ham and the marmalade remained. The three friends were the oldest boys in the house, and almost in the school.

This time we went on past the Gap, and under the tremendous cliffs that kept the sun from shining down upon the shore in winter. Then on and on with our numbers always increasing, for we passed very few pools that did not contain one prawn at least.

Shrimps carry their eggs about with them; no doubt you have often found masses of eggs under the Shrimp's body. Each egg is fastened by a kind of "glue," or else the rapid jerking of the mother Shrimp would soon loosen the eggs and set them free. The hard, shelly covering of the Shrimp and Prawn is like the armour of the crab it will not stretch in the least.

"How do you do?" said Billie. "Bennett, you've never met my son, I think?" Mr. Bennett peered at Sam with protruding eyes which gave him the appearance of a rather unusually stout prawn. "How are you?" he asked, with such intensity that Sam unconsciously found himself replying to a question which does not as a rule call for any answer. "Very well, thanks." Mr. Bennett shook his head moodily.

To lines bated with prawn, soles came, with numerous gambols, to bite. Two nets had already been broken by the immense weight of congers and haddocks; three sea-eels plowed the hold with their slimy folds and their dying contortions. D'Artagnan brought them good luck; they told him so.