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"D'you think our old harbour will be available, Moses?" asked Van der Kemp as they came close to the first headland. "Pr'aps. Bes' go an' see," was the negro's practical reply. "Evidently Rakata is not yet active," said Nigel, looking up at the grey dust-covered crags as the canoe glided swiftly through the dark water. "That is more than can be said for the other craters," returned the hermit.

"Your mother would be the last to advise me to stand by and look on without moving a finger to save 'em. What can I do, Olly? What can I do?" This question was more easily put than answered. Poor Oliver looked as perplexed as his sire. "Pr'aps," he said, "we might do as Paul said he'd do, an' pray about it." "Well, we might do worse, my son.

Pr'aps you'll tell me I lie when I tell you HE told me he was your son; told me how he ran away from you; how you were livin' somewhere in the mountains makin' gold, or suthin' else, outer charcoal. He told me who he was as a secret. He never let on he told it to any one else.

He never hed none er them wandrin' spells till arter thet. Naow I allow thet wa'n't right eh thet docter. I wouldn't hev no sech docter's thet raound my Agency, ef I wuz yeow. Pr'aps yer never heered uv thet. I told Ramony I didn't bleeve yer knowed it, or ye'd hev made him go." "No, Aunt Ri," said the Agent; "I could not have done that; he is only required to doctor such Indians as come here."

"Ship Inn." "What?" Captain Tobias paused in the act of picking up the nine-gallon jar. "Drinks on the premises?" "Lashin's." "What a world o' fuss that arrangement do save! Here! " to the porter who stood checking the articles deposited "this goes into hold wi' the rest. Contents, rum, an' don't you forget it, my son; leastways, pr'aps I'd better say, don't you remember it."

Pr'aps you'll tell me I lie when I tell you he told me he was your son; told me how he ran away from you; how you were livin' somewhere in the mountains makin' gold, or suthin' else, outer charcoal. He told me who he was as a secret. He never let on he told it to any one else.

Well, pr'aps you ain't far wrong neither; but I'm not goin' to be spliced yet-a-while, lass. Marry, indeed! 'Shall I, wastin' in despair, Die, 'cause why? a woman's rare?" "Oh! Captain Ogilvy, that's not rightly quoted," cried Minnie, with a merry laugh. "Ain't it?" said the captain, somewhat put out; for he did not like to have his powers of memory doubted.

Pr'aps you might send 'im to tell Joe Dashwood to be ready." David Clazie, who was more a man of action than of words, quietly, but firmly, ejected the brother and sister from the little room while he was speaking, and, having shut the door, sat down at his post again as a guard over his sick comrade. "Seems to me it's all up with 'im," observed Sparks, as he stood gazing uneasily into the fire.

Now, pr'aps you don't know, in fact you can't know, for you can't cypher, colonists ain't no good at figurs, but if you did know, the way to judge of a nation is by its private carriages. From Hyde Park corner to Ascot Heath, is twenty odd miles.

"D'you think our old harbour will be available, Moses?" asked Van der Kemp as they came close to the first headland. "Pr'aps. Bes' go an' see," was the negro's practical reply. "Evidently Rakata is not yet active," said Nigel, looking up at the grey dust-covered crags as the canoe glided swiftly through the dark water. "That is more than can be said for the other craters," returned the hermit.