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To form a conception of these famous Landes, it is only necessary to run down by the South-Western Railway, through the moors of Woking or Ascot; spread them out flat, and multiply them to seeming infinity.

They were both of good family in fact, their escutcheons were better to investigate than their banker's account. Both popular in their own way, they were always in request to make up a party for Hurlingham dinners, the Ascot week, or other similar diversion.

'She knows me, Sir Damask. 'Oh yes; she knows you. That's a matter of course. We're delighted to see you, Miss Longestaffe I am, always. Wish we could have had you at Ascot. But . Then he looked as though he had again explained everything. 'I've told her that you don't want me to go to the Melmottes, said Lady Monogram. 'Well, no; not just to go there. Stay and have lunch, Miss Longestaffe.

"Did you ever meet Archdale, the man who was in the 16th?" continues Miss Frampton, glibly, unconscious of his agonies; "he exchanged afterwards into the 4th he is such a nice fellow. I lunched every day at Ascot this year on the 16th's drag. The first day I met Lester that's the major, you know and Lester is such a pet!

I thought it wasn't the thing for the 2nd to turn up at little hay parties like this. Kitty Barringlave is in the far room, dreadfully bored. Go and cheer her up. Tell her what'll win the Cup. She's pale and peaky with ignorance about Ascot this year. Both going to Arkell House, Sir Donald, did you say? Bring your son to me, won't you? But of course you're a wise man trotting off to bed." "No.

I've shopped in Bond Street, and I've lost money at Ascot. Oh, yes!" he laughed. "I know your wonderful London! And now I have nothing in the world not a soldo of my own. I am simply a Brother and I am content," he said, with a strange look of peace and resignation.

"Weren't at Ascot, were they?" "Not in the Enclosure. No. The bold, bad Bananas are in many ways an engaging race. Indeed, some of the manners and customs which they affect are of a quite peculiar interest. Let us look, brother, for a moment, at their clothing. At the first blush I use the word advisedly it would seem that, like the fruit from which they take their name "

On race-days trains run out from Melbourne every ten minutes; and, as you can buy your train and race ticket beforehand in the town, you need never be jostled or hurried. Everything works as if by machinery. It would really pay the South Western officials to take a lesson at the Spencer Street Station next Cup-day, to prevent the annual scramble at Waterloo every Ascot meeting.

A stranger, like you, if you warn't told, wouldn't know nothin' was the matter above common. There ain't nothin' to England shows its wealth like this. "Says father to me when I came back, 'Sam, sais he, 'what struck you most? "'Ascot Races, sais I. "'Jist like you, sais he. 'Hosses and galls is all you think of. Wherever they be, there you are, that's a fact.

I own I felt more than half inclined to cry most girls would have cried but Aunt Deborah says I am very unlike the generality of women; and so, although I had ordered a peach-coloured mantle, and such a bonnet as can only be seen at Ascot on the Cup Day, I kept back my tears, and swallowed that horrid choking feeling in my throat, whilst I replied, with the most careless manner I could assume, "Goodness, aunt, it won't rain for ever: not that I care; but think what a disappointment for John!"