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The Compound sighed pityingly, and said no more. "Git 'em all shapes in this world, don't ye?" said Poney, "that's Mass'chusetts all over. They half start, an' then they stick on a dead-centre, an' blame it all on other folk's ways o' treatin' them. Talkin' o' Boston, Comanche told me, last night, he had a hot-box just beyond the Newtons, Friday.

A kind friend having placed relays of horses on the road for me, I performed the journey with perfect ease, without the aid of a whip, in four hours. The poney I had the last stage, was the best little animal in harness I ever sat behind: he literally flew along the road. At one point, I came to a bridge, which, as I could see at some distance, had been broken, so as to render it impassable.

Break 'em in half, Dutchy!" cried Poney. But it was.007 who was backed down to the last six cars, and he nearly blew up with surprise when he found himself pushing them on to a huge ferry-boat. He had never seen deep water before, and shivered as the flat drew away and left his bogies within six inches of the black, shiny tide.

'If the young gentlemen would like a ride this Christmas, Sir, said the kind farmer, 'my Thomas's poney is a nice quiet little fellow, and Tom would be proud to lend him. John and Frederick looked at each other, and at their father, but at length John suggested, that as only one could ride at a time they had better put off their rides till the summer; and Harriet and Elizabeth were both pleased that such was the decision.

As it would take an hour to walk three miles and a half with the scythes on their backs, it was agreed that they should carry my scythe, and that I should bring the bottles and bag upon my poney.

But once released from Paris, and blessed with rabbits, a poney and the freedom of the fields, he became again all that a charming child should be, and for a time it amused her to share in his romps and rambles. Raymond seemed enchanted at the picture they made, and the quiet weeks of fresh air and outdoor activity gave her back a bloom that reflected itself in her tranquillized mood.

In the way I am met by some smart macaroni, Who rides by my side on a little bay poney No sturdy Hibernian, with shoulders so wide, But as taper and slim as the ponies they ride; Their legs are as slim, and their shoulders no wider, Dear sweet little creatures, both poney and rider! But sometimes, when hotter, I order my chaise, And manage, myself, my two little grays.

My Mother rode upon our little poney and Fanny and I walked by her side or rather ran, for my Mother is so fond of riding fast that she galloped all the way. You may be sure that we were in a fine perspiration when we came to our place of resting.

"'Think of that, Jack, the Borghese poney, with the silky tail; mine Oh! what a dear good old soul; it was the very thing of all others I longed for, for they told me the princess had refused every offer for it.

"Where I grunt, you'd lie down, Poney: but, as I was saying, I don't blow much. Notwithstandin', if you want to see freight that is freight moved lively, you should see me warbling through the Alleghanies with thirty-seven ore-cars behind me, and my brakemen fightin' tramps so's they can't attend to my tooter.