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Good managers are made from messenger boys, brakemen, wipers and telegraphers; just as brave admirals are produced in due time by planting a cadet in a naval school. From two branches of the service come the best equipped men in the railroad world from the motive-power department and from the train service.

Oh, you should have seen 'em jump when we flashed it on 'em all at once and they learned who I was!" "But those men who swore they saw me?" "Bah! We've got that little Dago with the mustache, and both his witnesses. If they don't send him up, I'll run in a shipload of my brakemen, and we'll push this Isthmus overboard and him with it." "I knew you could fix things." "Fix 'em! Fix 'em!

"Can any of these men identify this alleged locomotive thief?" he asked. "Certainly they can. Tobin, tell the sheriff what you know of him." Blazing with indignation at the injustice and meanness of Snyder's absurd charge against his favorite brakeman, Conductor Tobin answered promptly: "I know him to be one of the best brakemen on the road, although he is the youngest.

Sinclair glanced at the rails and gave the word at once to the conductor and brakemen, who began vociferating, "All aboard!" Just then Foster appeared, an expression of intense satisfaction showing clearly on his face, in the firelight. "Major," said he, "I didn't use to take much stock in special Providence, or things being ordered; but I'm darned if I don't believe in them from this day.

She's some worrited, 'cause Celia went over to visit Peleg's gal airly yesterday mornin' an' we ain't seen Celia since." Mr. Carter came back with one of the brakemen just then, bearing a can of milk. The kindly conductor had found a tin plate, too a section of the fireman's dinner kettle and into this he poured some of the milk for the hungry little spaniel.

Good old Walt sang of his camerados, capons, Americanos, deck-hands, stagecoach-drivers, machinists, brakemen, firemen, sailors, butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers, and he associated with them; but they never read him or understood him. They prefer Longfellow.

Sheriff I order you to place this fellow under arrest." "Upon what charge?" asked the sheriff. "Is he the train robber?" "Of course not," was the reply, "but he is a thief all the same. He is one of our brakemen and ran off with a locomotive." "What did he do with it?" asked the sheriff, with an air of interest. "Left it standing on the track."

He stroked his grayish beard, and mused a moment, and Edna said timidly: "If you please, sir, I would like to know if my dog is hurt?" The physician smiled, and looked round inquiringly. "Has any one seen a dog that was on the train?" One of the brakemen, a stout Irishman, took his pipe from his mouth, and answered: "Aye, aye, sir! and as vicious a brute as ever I set eyes on.

Bannon set down his hand bag to button his ulster, for the wind was driving clouds of smoke and stinging dust and an occasional grimy snowflake out of the northwest. Then he sprang down from the sidewalk and made his way through the intervening bogs and, heedless of the shouts of the brakemen, over a freight train which was creaking its endless length across his path, to the elevator site.

"How'd you come in my wagon?" repeated Ranse, this time in a voice that drew a reply. Curly recognised the tone. He had heard it used by freight brakemen and large persons in blue carrying clubs. "Me?" he growled. "Oh, was you talkin' to me? Why, I was on my way to the Menger, but my valet had forgot to pack my pyjamas. So I crawled into that wagon in the wagon-yard see?