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Without question we were quite willing to leave the enemy rest in peace as long as he did not molest us, but such was not the fortune nor luck of war, and therefore, on September 1st, the small detachment of American troops, reinforced by some thirty or forty S. B. A. L. troops, went steaming up the Vaga River on the good ship "Tolstoy," a decrepit old river steamer on which we had mounted a pom pom and converted it into a "battle cruiser."

Then, too, Miss Hays had a Pom dog that she brought with her from Paris and which she carried in her arms when she left the Titanic and held to her bosom through the long night in the life-boat, and to which the children became warmly attached. All three became aliens on an alien shore. Miss Hays, unable to learn the names of the little fellows, had dubbed the older Louis and the younger "Lump."

Till at last the Maxim shell gun caught the infection, and began pom, pom, pom! pom, pom, pom! and so on at intervals. Evidently much angry passion was aroused in the Boer camp, and all because Captain Gough had been trying his luck at long range volleys. The situation might have become serious; the event was, however, fortunate.

In a form ever modifying with scientific discovery they hold that 'the good' is a superman, bodiless yet bodily, with a beginning but without an end. It is an attractive faith, enabling them to say to Nature: 'Je m'en fiche de tout cela. My big brother will look after me Pom! One may call it anthropomorphia, for it seems especially soothing to strong personalities.

Pomeroy was offering three to one against his friend, when Lord Almeric danced in upon them. 'Give me joy! he cried breathless. 'D'you hear, Pom? She'll take me, and I have bussed her! March could not have done it quicker! She's mine, and the pool! She is mine! Give me joy! Mr. Thomasson lost not a minute in rising and shaking him by the hand.

Te kumta ki khún bynriew ynda ki la lah pom mynsngi baroh shi sngi, mynmiet ki teh pyn-ang da ki wait ki sdí ka kata ka jaka ba ki la lah pom . Kumta u khla haba u wan mynmiet u jliah phot u thyllied haba kynduh ha kita ki syrti wait syrti sdí. Kumtah naduh kata ka por um wan shúh; bad ynda um ioh shuh ban jliah kata ka dien pom u khun bynriew, ruh kam dam shuh.

Then she said, 'It is quite wonderful; I feel so light and vigorous." "It would be very wonderful indeed if dear Daisy felt light," remarked Lucia. "What next?" "Then they sat and swayed backwards and forwards again and muttered something that sounded like Pom!" "That would be 'Om', and then?" "I couldn't wait any longer for I had some letters to write." She smiled at him.

It was a relief to be as brutal and uncomplimentary as possible; it offset the silver-covered prayer books, the breakfast tray, the bejewelled Pom, the whole studied, inane effect of a discontented woman trying to play coquette up to the last moment. "I have loved her a long time.

S for less than we expected to get for it, because she is so fond of cats and promised to take good care of Pom Pom" which recalls to my mind a dear little girl who had a white kitten that she was entrusting to a neighbor. The neighbor, a busy person with eight children, received the kitten without demonstration of any kind. Little Lydia looked at her for a few moments and then said, "Mrs.

'Take another glass, he cried boisterously. ''Swounds, the girl will like you the better for it. 'D'ye think so, Pom? Honest? 'Sure of it. 'Twill give you spirit, my lord. 'So it will. 'At her and kiss her! Are you going to be governed all your life by that whey-faced old Methodist? Or be your own man? Tell me that.