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"I should have called yuh 'Nose-sticker. From what I hear of yuh, yuh have a habit of mindin' other folks' business. Well, that ain't healthy in Skull." If the Texan was provoked by these insults, he did not show it. He only smiled gently. "We're playin' pokah now, I believe," he reminded. "Are yuh seein' mah bet?" "That's right, bet 'em like yuh had 'em.

"It's shore great of yuh to help us this way," Red told him. "But I'm afraid we haven't a chance. If Gentleman John is behind all this, we're buckin' mighty big odds." "I like a game like that," said The Kid. "Unlike pokah, it's perfectly legitimate to scratch the aces with yo' fingah nail."

I got out ter Independence, Missouri, an' was roustaboutin' on de ribber, when a coupple ob men come along what wanted a cook to trabbel wid 'em. I took de job, an' dat's what fetched me here ter Carson City." "But what caused your arrest?" "A conjunction ob circumstances, Massa Jack; yes, sah, a conjunction ob circumstances. I got playin' pokah ober in dat 'Red Light, an' I was doin' fine.

A faint redness slowly revealed itself on her powdered cheeks; then she followed him back to the table and took the place he had assigned to her at Mellin's elbow. "I'll bank," said Pedlow, taking a chair between Cooley and the Italian, "unless somebody wants to take it off my hands. Now, what are we playing?" "Pokah," responded Sneyd with mild sarcasm. "Bravo!" cried Mellin. "That's my game.

Pretty soon here she comes, but this time she's got a big brass-handled poker with her. "'Ef I has to clout you ovah de haid wid dis pokah you ain' gwine to transack no mo' bisniss fo' a tollable long time! she says. She's mad all right, 'n' she hollers this at me pretty loud. "'Fore I can say anythin' a dame steps out in the hall 'n' looks at me 'n' the nigger woman 'n' the poker.

I've heard those that ought to know say that a Mississippi river boat is the toughest spot on top of earth for little games of pokah and that soht of thing, sah. 'Spect the gentleman can be accommodated if he likes a lively game of chance."

"'Please let dis lady pass, I hears some one say, 'n' here comes Liza helpin' Miss Goodloe through the crowd. When Liza sees me I ducks 'n' holds up my arm like I'm dodgin' somethin'. She grins till her mouth looks like a tombstone factory. "'I clean fohgot to bring dat pokah wid me, she says. 'Hyar you is, Miss Sally. "I don't hardly know Miss Goodloe.