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Playee, playee, playee?" holding out her arms, and calling out, "Dido Dums, Dido Dums, come here, deary," when a fine Persian cat jumped on to her right shoulder. "Now Diddles Doddles, Diddles Doddles," and another Persian cat jumped on to her left shoulder. "Tootsy Wootsy," she called once more, and a black cat scrambled up to the crown of the poke bonnet.

"'Mellican man plenty playee to him Joss after eatin', sez he; 'but Chinaman smellee punk, allee same, and no hab got. "I knew the slimy cuss was just purtendin' he thought I was prayin' to my Joss, but I was that weak I hadn't stren'th, boys, to heave a rock at him. Yet it gave me an idea." "What was it?" they asked eagerly.

Henry got the cue and run on an elegant brass-band record and the festivities became initiated. The governor man had a bit of English under his hat, and when the music was choked off he says: "'Ver-r-ree fine. Gr-r-r-r-racias, the American gentleemen, the so esplendeed moosic as to playee. "The table was a long one, and Henry and me sat at the end of it next the wall.

'Petee comee! "'On what? says I, ashamed to show surprise to a yaller Chinaman. "'Joss man fetchee! says he. "'Certainly! says I. 'That's what he ought to do; don't get excited. I did my wonderin' about the joss man in private. 'Sit down, Charlie. "So Charlie, he sot down and watched me rifflin' the cards. "'Playee poker? says he.

Some, who spoke feelingly of the man, used to declare that he had fulfilled the promises of his youth. What happened to him then may perhaps justify the opinion. The young Poodle was addicted to practical jokes as usual, more amusing to the player than to the playee.