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'Petee comee! "'On what? says I, ashamed to show surprise to a yaller Chinaman. "'Joss man fetchee! says he. "'Certainly! says I. 'That's what he ought to do; don't get excited. I did my wonderin' about the joss man in private. 'Sit down, Charlie. "So Charlie, he sot down and watched me rifflin' the cards. "'Playee poker? says he.

That's funny that you an' me should both do it, Andy. But why the hell did you do it?" "Oh, it's too long to tell here. Come up to my. room." "There may be fellers there. Ever been at the Chink's?" "No." "I'm stayin' there. There're other fellers who's A.W. O.L. too. The Chink's got a gin mill." "Where is it." "Eight, rew day Petee Jardings." "Where's that?"

Anne in one breath, and invocations of a personage not mentioned in the curé's "petee cat-ee-cheesm" in the next breath, and imprecations that their "souls might be smashed on the end of a picket fence," the voyageur's common oath even to this day, the boatmen stored goods fore, aft, and athwart till each long canoe sank to the gunwale as it was gently pushed out on the water.

Had Radisson haggled as to the means, he would have missed or muddled the end. He went ahead; and when the way did not open, he went round, or crawled over, or carved his way through. There was an old saying among retired hunters of Three Rivers that "one learned more in the woods than was ever found in l' petee cat-ee-cheesm."