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I've got a good forefinger for plantin' 'em, long and stiff; and I can't stand by and see you workin' alone, without fidgets." Miss Lavender threw off her cloak and worked with a will. When the gardening was finished, she continued her assistance in the house, and fully earned her dinner before she sat down to it.

"An' Mac, the best an' dirtiest job we've had on this," Casey's huge hand indicated a row of freshly filled graves, "U. P. was the plantin' of thim fellars," over which the desert sand was seeping. Then dropping his spade, he bent to the quiet figure. "Lay hold, Mac," he said. They lowered the corpse into the hole. Casey stood up, making a sign of the cross before him. "He wor a man!"

When I left, to come an' tell you thinkin' you was in jail Caldwell an' his boys was plantin' our fellows, an' takin' Blackburn and the three others to the Hamlin shack!" He looked hard at Lawler, noted the paleness of the man's face, and then spoke less excitedly, and with deep regret in his voice. "Lawler, I hate to tell you this.

"It's the plantin'. When I walk along some of the forest nurseries, an' see hundreds and hundreds of little seedlin's all growin' protected like, and bein' cared for just the same as if they was little children, an' when I know that in fifty years time they'll be big fine trees like the one we're sittin' under, I tell you it looks pretty good to me.

"To begin with, here in this pocket-book you'll find all the documents relating to the death of the Duke of Charmerace. In it you will also find the receipt of the Plantin furniture repository at Batignolles for the objects of art which I collected at Gournay-Martin's.

You mind this: if it's grawn true an' thrawn true from the plantin', a darter's love for a faither lasts longer 'n any mortal love at all as I can hear tell of. It don't wear out wi' marriage, neither, as I've found, thank God. Phoebe rises above auld age and the ugliness an' weakness an' bad temper of auld age.

In the early herbals, illustrated with woodcuts, examples can be found over and over again of a flower filling a required space simply and well; fig. 23 is taken from the herbal of Carolus Clusius, printed at Antwerp in 1601 by the great house of Plantin.

There's half our plantin' to be done yet, and some of the ground hasn't got the last ploughin'. Harvest won't come without seed-time; for no man, let him be great, or let him be small and it does seem to me a sort o' wastin' of the Lord's blessin's, to be hangin' gates, and diggin' holes for that the thing the captain mentioned when there's no visible danger in sight to recommend the measure to prudence, as it might be."

And, says she, 'men can stop plowin' and plantin' on Sunday, but they don't stop eatin', and as long as men have to eat on Sunday, women'll have to work.

Lambs quarter, Strawberries, Raspberries, Goose berries, tongue grass, Mustard, tanzy, Sinquefield, horse mint, water penerial, elder, Coalts foot, Green Plantin, canser weed, Shoemate, and Several of the pea blume flowering plants.. Frazier who had permission to visit the Twisted Hairs Lodge at the distance of ten or twelve miles did not return this evening-. The river falls in course of the day and rises Some at night as will be Seen by the remarks in the Diary of the weather. this most probably is the melding of the Snows dureing the day &c.