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She herself has described it: "Toujours extreme en mes desirs, Jadis, enfant joyeuse et folle, Souvent une seule parole Bouleversait tous mes plaisirs." But what a fine instrument she possesses! what strength of soul! what wealth of imagination! December 3, 1872. What a strange dream!

I never saw my father at any period of his life appear so happy as he does, and has done for this month past; and you know that he tastes happiness as much as any human being can. He is not of the number of those qui avalent leurs plaisirs, il sait les gouter.

At that other balustrade, where Watteau, remembering this one, painted for us the 'Plaisirs du Bal, how often they have lain in ambush, knowing that were one of them to show but the tip of his wings those sedate and migniard masqueraders would faint for very shame; yet ever hoping that they might, by their unseen presence, turn that punctilio of flirtation into love.

It was not much that was wanted. To make no mysteries where Nature has made none, to bring his conscience under something like reasonable control, to give Ernest his head a little more, to ask fewer questions, and to give him pocket money with a desire that it should be spent upon menus plaisirs . . . "Call that not much indeed," laughed Ernest, as I read him what I have just written.

In the early part of August many zealous persons offered the King money; he refused considerable sums, being unwilling to injure the fortunes of individuals. M. de la Ferte, intendant of the 'menus plaisirs', brought me a thousand louis, requesting me to lay them at the feet of the Queen.

Once it was a vaudeville composed expressly in honor of her birthday by the French master, in which I had to sing, with reference to her, the following touching tribute, to a well-known vaudeville tune: "C'est une mère! Qui a les premiers droits sur nos coeurs? Qui partage, d'une ardeur sincère, Et nos plaisirs et nos douleurs? C'est une mère!"

The Dutch are pre-eminently the flower-growers of the world, and the observant traveller walking along Orange Street may note even in midwinter that the flowers in the windows are changed each day. In this, as in other menus plaisirs, Mrs. Vansittart had assumed the ways of the country of her adoption.

Max Müller begs me to learn these languages first; but this would be a toil and drudgery, whereas to me the pursuit of literary excellence and fame is a mere amusement, like lawn-tennis or rinking. It is the fault of the age to make a labour of what is meant to be a pastime. Telle est de nos plaisirs la surface légère; Glissez, mortels, n'appuyez pas.

He was also concerned in a monthly journal of literature, and the work was carried on by the two friends jointly, though M did not at all appear in the partnership. By these means he not only spent his mornings in useful exercise but supplied himself with money for what the French call the menus plaisirs, during the whole summer.

The women, generally married at fifteen, were old at thirty, and such was the intensity of life in this "water-logged town" as F. Hopkinson Smith somewhat irreverently called it upon one occasion that a traveller was led to remark: On ne goûte pas ses plaisirs, on les avale.