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It is of course natural that you, sir, are "not inclined to accept any obligation which would reflect on the dignity and the capability of the institution as well as on the authority of the intendant." Such an intention is, indeed, very far from my mind. You add, sir, "I expect the confidence of the composer in myself and the Royal Theatre."

The intendant put Clara on the pony, after she had kissed Alice and Edith. Edward assisted Patience; and when she was mounted, she said "I hope you will accept my father's offer you will oblige me so much if you do." "I will give it every consideration it deserves," replied Edward. "Indeed, it will depend more upon my brother than myself whether I accept it or not."

"I cannot endure the heat of the ballroom, Bigot!" said Angelique; "I will dance no more to-night! I would rather sit and catch fireflies on the terrace than chase forever without overtaking it the bird that has escaped from my bosom!" The Intendant, ever attentive to her wishes, offered his arm to lead her into the pleached walks of the illuminated garden.

Bigot might be corrupt, but he belonged to the great world, and Robert felt that since he had come to Quebec he ought to see the Intendant, his palace and what was done within its walls. It was true that they had evaded suggestions to meet him, but a formal invitation was different. He passed the letter to Willet, who read it and handed it to Tayoga. "We'll have to go, Robert," said the hunter.

This was better than sending her either to a convent or to the country, since she would still be within our reach, although to our great vexation we could not prevail so far as to hinder Madame Croquelebois from being installed as her duenna, the intendant himself returning to La Vendee.

Moreover, this priest by virtue of the powers with which he was invested, and feeling that he had the authority of M. de Baville, intendant of Languedoc, and M. de Broglie, commander of the troops, behind him, had done other terrible things.

"I will if I can, Humphrey, for I shall be just as anxious as you are to know if all goes on well. Indeed, I shall insist upon coming over to you once a-fortnight; and I hardly think the intendant will refuse me indeed, I am sure that he will not." "So am I," replied Humphrey.

Captain Poul returned to Barre carrying with him his two heads and his three prisoners, and immediately reported to M. Just de Baville, intendant of Languedoc, the important capture he had made. The prisoners were quickly tried.

"Your wishes, my father?" said Patience. "Yes my wishes; there is nothing that I so ardently desired as an union between you and Edward; but I wished you to love him for his own merits." "I have done so, father," replied Patience, sobbing again, "although I did not tell him so." The Intendant remained silent for some time, and then said

But my ambition would not be content with less than a governor or royal intendant in New France. In old France I would not put up with less than the King himself!" Angelique laughed at her own extravagance, but she believed in it all the same. Amelie, though shocked at her wildness, could not help smiling at her folly.