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"This name at once reveals a deep design of flouting Boileau, whom I did not like then, but have since become reconciled to. Has not Nicholas said: "'O le plaisant projet d'un poete ignorant Que de tant de heros va choisir Childebrant!

While we are looking about, and axing ourselves whether there's anybody else at all around us, one of the spalpeens sinds his bullet down here, coming closer to us than is plaisant. Did ye obsarve him?" "I saw nothing but the flash. Do you think they could see us?" "Not where we are now. We're too far away from the light.

"C'est bien plaisant, c'est bien paisible," said this worthy man, with whom I had some conversation; and pleasant and peaceful is the place indeed, tho the former of these epithets may suggest an element of gayety in which Aigues-Mortes is deficient. The sand, the salt, the dull sea-view, surround it with a bright, quiet melancholy.

"That is plaisant," muttered the Irishman, as he saw the animal fall, "and yez hav the distinguished honor of baing the first deer that Tim O'Rooney brought down; but yez ain't the first he fired at but whist, Tim, don't be telling your secrets, for somebody else might larn them." He now began making his way carefully down the gorge in order to ascend upon the opposite side and secure his prize.

La Rassie est un pays fertile, dit il; elle a en activité cinq mines d'or, cinq d'argent, et plusieurs autres qui portent or et argent. Il ne faudroit pour la conquête de cette contrée que mille chevaliers et six mille hommes d'infanterie. Ce seroit un joyel (joyau) gracieux et plaisant

"Nous croyons que ce genre de plaisanterie consiste surtout dans des idees ou des tournures originales, qui tiennent plus au caractere qu'a l'esprit, et qui semblent echapper a celui qui les produit. "L'homme d'humour est un plaisant serieux, qui dit des choses plaisantes sans avoir l'air de vouloir etre plaisant.

"You seldom ride, Master Pothier?" said Philibert, observing his guide jolting with an audible grunt at every step of his awkward nag. "Ride, your Honor! N no! Dame Bedard shall call me plaisant Robin if she ever tempts me again to mount her livery horse 'if fools only carried cruppers! as Panurge says." "Why, Master Pothier?" Philibert began to be amused at his odd guide. "Why?

"C'est bien plaisant, c'est bien paisible," said this worthy man, with whom I had some conversation; and pleasant and peaceful is the place indeed, though the former of these epithets may suggest an element of gaiety in which Aigues-Mortes is deficient. The sand, the salt, the dull sea-view, surround it with a bright, quiet melancholy.

La' du plaisant Avril la saison imortelle Sans eschange le suit, La terre sans labeur, de sa grasse mamelle, Tout chose y produit; D'enbas la troupe sainte autrefois amoureuse, Nous honorant sur tous, Viendra nous saluer, s'estimant bien-heureuse De s'accointer de nous.

There ought to have been a moon almost at the full; but no moon was visible, no stars nothing but a grey veil of clouds, growing darker and darker as the moments went on; such I have heard are the days and the nights in England, where the seafogs so often blot out the sky. But we are unacquainted with anything of the kind in our plaisant pays de France.