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II , ch. x-xvi; G. W. Kitchin, A History of France, Vol. More detailed treatments: Cambridge Modern History, Vol. V , ch. i-iii, vii-ix, xiii, xiv, Vol. VI , ch. iv-vi; Histoire generale, Vol. VI, ch. iii-v, vii-ix, xii-xvi, xx, Vol. VII, ch. i-iii; Histoire de France, ed. by Ernest Lavisse, Vols. XIII, The Age of Louis XIV, by Martin Philippson.

The replies from these prominent Jews were full of complimentary references to Uvarov's endeavors. The Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, in the beginning of the forties, voiced the general belief that the era of persecutions in Russia had come to an end. Ludwig Philippson in 1837. The frontier expulsions of 1843 acted like a cold douche on these enthusiasts.

II , ch. ii, iii, vii, viii, and Vol. III , ch. xv, v; History of All Nations, Vol. XI and Vol. XII, ch. i-iii, by the German scholar on the period, Martin Philippson; Histoire generale, Vol. IV, ch. iii, ix, Vol. V, ch. ii-v, xv.

At the instance of Uvarov, Lilienthal had entered into correspondence with Philippson, Geiger, Crémieux, Montefiore, and other leaders of West-European Jewry, bespeaking their moral support on behalf of the school-reform and going so far as to invite them to participate in the proceedings of the Rabbinical Commission convened at St. Petersburg.

The contributors to the three Russian-Jewish weeklies, all of them issued in Odessa, had the advantage of having before them patterns of Western Europe. Jewish publicists of the type of Riesser and Philippson served as living examples.

Jacques Isaac Altaras, the ship-builder of Marseilles, petitioned the czar to allow forty thousand Jewish families to emigrate to Algeria. Rabbi Ludwig Philippson, editor of the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, appealed to his countrymen to help the Russian Jews to settle in America, Australia, Africa, anywhere away from Russia. But all attempts were ineffectual.

THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR. General treatments: E. F. Henderson, A Short History of Germany, Vol. I , ch. xvii, xviii, a good, short introduction; S. R. Gardiner, The Thirty Years' War , in the "Epochs of Modern History" Series, the best brief survey; History of All Nations, Vol. XII, ch. iv-viii, by Martin Philippson, a well-known German historian; Cambridge Modern History, Vol.

Indignation meetings were held. Both Jews and Gentiles, not only abroad, but even in Russia, protested. Prayers were offered for the unfortunate. Crémieux in France and Rabbi Philippson in Germany appealed to the public. All to no effect.

Representing the Government were Count Uvarov, Chevalier Dukstaduchinsky, and others, with de Vrochenko, Minister of State, as chairman and Lilienthal as secretary. Montefiore of England, Crémieux of France, and Rabbi Philippson of Germany had been invited, but they failed to come.